Thursday 1 August 2019

Crispy Chicken with Cheesy Mash & Cream Gravy

The recipe I am sharing with you today is a total carb-fest, but every now and again, a gal has to do what a gal has to do.  My husband totally enjoyed this.  

I thought that he might. He is a real meat and potatoes kind of a guy!  Like most men suppose!

My youngest son went through a period of several years when he was very young where he would only eat certain things.  

Once for several weeks, I could only get him to eat hot dogs, and then it was toast, but the toast had to be a certain colour, not too dark, not too light. 

He loved all things white . . .  white bread, white potatoes, rice . . .  and he liked corn.  He used to mix his corn into his rice and his potatoes and he called them corny rice or corny potatoes. 

Yes, he was more than a bit spoilt and over-indulged, but he was the youngest of five and our last child. 

There was seven years age difference between him and our other four children, and we all coddled him.

This casserole is somewhat reminiscent of something which I think he might have enjoyed when he was a boy.  

It may sound a bit unusual I suppose.  Its actually quite delicious!

I found myself with some leftover pieces of Crispy Chicken that needed using up, so I decided to incorporate them into a tasty bake. 

You could use any read to bake breaded chicken cutlets in its place.  Just bake them as per the package instructions and then continue as per this recipe.

The base of the bake is a cheesy mashed potatoes.   

Filled with spring onions, and cheese . . . creamy and buttery . . .  you spread this in a buttered casserole dish.

I sprinkled some frozen corn over top of that and then topped it with some more grated cheese  . . .

I am a through and through cheese lover.  Kind of crazy if you think that I grew up only eating processed cheese.  Real cheese didn't even enter my radar!

Finally I cut the crispy chicken into strips and lay it on top of the corn and cheese.

The casserole then gets  banged  into the oven so that it can heat through and the cheese will melt . . .

While the casserole was cooking I made a cream gravy.  

One of my favourite things is chicken fried chicken with cream gravy  . . .

This gravy is an homage to that  . . .  creamy, rich and peppery  . . .

The recipe doesn't make a whole lot, just enough to drizzle generously over top of the finished casserole with a tiny bit to spare. 

You could certainly double it if you wished and if your family is fond of cream gravy.

Oh but this was some good. Yes, I did partake and I enjoyed every carb-filled mouthful.

It will be back on the watching my weight band wagon tomorrow. A girl can't be good 100% of the time.

I enjoyed a small serving along with a salad on the side.

My homage to healthy eating.  LOL


On a side note, hat's a sandwich plate.  I always use a sandwich plate instead of a dinner plate. It helps to keep me in check.

You really need to make this.  Its fabulously deliciously tasty!  Easy too!

Crispy Chicken with Cheesy Mash & Cream Gravy

Yield: 6
A delicious casserole of cheesy mash topped with bits of crispy chicken and corn, served with a rich creamy gravy.


You will need:
  • 4 Crispy chicken breast fillets, cooked and cut into strips
  • 1 cup of frozen corn, unthawed
  • 60g strong cheddar cheese, grated (1/2 cup)
For the cheesy mash:
  • 2 pounds of floury potatoes, such as a Maris Piper, peeled and cut into chunks
  • 1 bunch of spring onions, trimmed and chopped
  • 60g strong cheddar cheese, grated (1/2 cup)
  • 2 TBS butter
  • Warm milk
  • Salt and pepper to taste
For the cream gravy:
  • 2 TBS butter
  • 1 small onion, peeled and finely chopped
  • 1 chicken bullion cube, crushed
  • 2 TBS flour
  • 240ml whole milk (1 cup)
  • 180ml double cream (3/4 cup heavy cream)
  • salt to taste
  • a generous grinding of black pepper


How to cook Crispy Chicken with Cheesy Mash & Cream Gravy

  1. First make the mash. Put the potatoes in a saucepan along with the onion and add boiling salted water to cover. Simmer just until the potatoes are tender when pierced with the tip of a knife and then drain well. Return the hot potatoes to the pot and mash well with a potato masher. Add the butter and just enough warm milk to make them creamy. Stir in the spring onions and the cheese, mixing in well, and season to taste with salt and pepper.
  2. Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.
  3. Butter a shallow 9 by 13-inch casserole dish. Spread the cheesy mash in the casserole dish. Top with the frozen corn. Sprinkle the additional cheddar cheese over top. Sprinkle the chicken strips over top of the cheese. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until heated through and the cheese has melted.
  4. While the casserole is baking make the cream gravy. Heat the milk and cream together in the microwave until  quite warm, but not boiling. Set aside.  Melt the butter in a saucepan. Add the chopped onion. Cook over medium low heat until the onion is translucent without allowing it to colour. Sprinkle with the flour.  Cook for a few minutes, then whisk in the milk/cream mixture, whisking constantly. Cook until it bubbles and thickens.  Crumble in the chicken stock cube and season to taste with salt and a hefty grinding of black pepper.
  5. Drizzle the hot cream gravy over the casserole and serve.
Created using The Recipes Generator

This was really tasty . . .  creamy rich cheesy mash  . . .  sweet corn, crisp chicken and that peppery creamy gravy. To die for.    


I thought you might be interested in knowing that I have been featured in the latest Issue of the Canadian version of Hello! magazine with a recipe spread.  

I remember when I worked at the Manor down South, the housekeeper used to save me our boss's discarded Hello! magazines for me to read. I loved them.  I never ever dreamt that one day some of my work would be gracing the pages.  Funny how life is!  Have a great day!

Crispy Chicken with Cheesy Mash & Cream Gravy

This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at mariealicejoan at aol dot com. 


  1. Hi Marie , We are very proud of you being in the Hello magazine ! :) Gosh ! It's only 7am and after reading today's recipe....I,m hungry already ! :) Have a beautiful day x

    1. Thanks so much Debs! If you e-mail me I can send you a pdf copy of the article to read. I know over here people can't see this version of Hello. This casserole was a real carbelicious dinner! xoxo

  2. Can't wait! Didn't get last week's..oy better get this week's:)Thanks for the heads up and congrats Marie!!!!!

    1. If you want Monique, I can send you a PDF of the article. Just let me know! thanks! xoxo

  3. I'M BACK! Drove down to the Gulf Coast to feast on seafood for a few weeks during our Memorial Day holiday. But I fixed this last night, and it was FABULOUS! You are truly a marvel! I prepared it exactly as you suggested and served it with the simple addition of petit pois sautéed in butter, salt & pepper. It never ceases to amaze me how you invent such delicious dishes with such simple ingredients!

    I have again donated to your "Farmer's Family Diner" and "Big Scoop" fund so that you are not forced to live off your own cooking. POOR THING! I encourage all those who enjoy your recipes to join me in keeping you well fed and rested. Toodles.

    1. Nice to see you back William! I admit I was a tiny bit worried that you were sick or something, or that your wife was unwell. Pleased that you were just away and enjoying some nice seafood. Always nice to see a comment from you. I am so pleased you enjoyed this simple dish. I have not enjoyed it myself in a long time. My dad is coming for supper on Monday, I may make it for him. Your addition of the petit pois sounds perfect! Thank you again for trying commenting and donating to my fund. LOL The worst part about being a good cook is finding a decent place to eat out at. Sigh . . . Thanks so much!


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