Sunday 6 June 2010

Black Currant Plate Pie

The weather was so nice today we took ourselves off on a road trip into Wales . . . Prestatyn to be precise. (Pronounced Press Stat In) It is a lovely seaside town on the North coast of Wales . . .

When we lived up here before, we often went there on a warm day. It's not as commercialized as the other seasides and it doesn't get quite as busy.

There's a lovely beach that have a stretch of pavement that you can walk along for a very long ways. We do a bit of walking . . . a bit of paddling . . . and always stop for a drink and a treat.

Sometimes it's ice cream . . . seasides and ice cream go very well together. Other times its something else. Today we had a lovely slice of buttered Bara Brith. It was some good. I really must make us a loaf to enjoy at home sometime.

We like to go early in the day and then be back home before the roads and beach get too crowded. We got home early in the afternoon and I was able to bake Todd a lovely pie for a teatime treat. He's been ever so good this week, eating properly . . .

A treat once in a while can't do much harm can it? He had one slice and then I took the rest over to a friend, who very much appreciated it.

*Black Currant Plate Pie*
Makes one 10 inch plate pie
Printable Recipe

This is a Welsh recipe, known in Wales as cacen blât (literally 'plate cake'). Simple ingredients and very easy to make. Wonderful flavour. Serve warm with some thick cream for a real treat!

400g of black currants (about 1 pound)
200g of granulated sugar (1 cup)
sufficient pastry for a two crust pie
Caster sugar to dust the top

Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/Gas mark 4. You will need a 10 inch oven proof plate.

Roll out half of the pastry into a circle large enough to cover the base of the plate. Top with the black currants, leaving an edge. Sprinnkle the sugar over top of all. Roll out the remaining pastry to cover. Dampen the edges and press them together. Trim and then crimp with a fork. Vent the top to allow steam to escape. Brush with a bit of milk and then sprinkle with some caster sugar. Place on a baking tray and bake for 25 to 30 minutes, until the pastry is done and the pie is nicely browned, with the fruit bubbling through the top. Remove from the oven and allow to cool before cutting into wedges to serve.

Cream or vanilla ice cream are very good with this!


  1. Another delicious pie. Marie - I am in awe - how do you have time to cook and blog so much?

  2. How lovely! Now I must find some currants....
    xoxo Pattie

  3. Helen, I just love to cook. I cook every day and so it's very easy to take photos of whatever I am cooking. I do get up very early in the morning to blog though. :-)

    Pattie, you can make a plate pie with almost any fruit you like. Cherries are nice, as are blueberries!

  4. Okay, that's going on the list! Mmm, that looks like jammy perfection.

  5. We do love a nice plate pie in this house. So easy too: if you can make pastry, you can make pie.

  6. that looks really tasty. My grandma lives in prestatyn! i love it there,lots of nice childhood memories

  7. Very nice, although the word is spelt currant.

  8. I love the concept of a plate pie - never made one mind! Love the colours, really must get around to making one ;0)

  9. Just love the small blackcurrant tarts one can buy in the cake shop. Do you have directions for making a 9” Tart?

    1. Unfortunately at the moment I do not. Sorry!

  10. Dear sir
    I was looking at the recipe for blackcurrant plate pie how much flour
    Butter for the pastry it doesn't say
    In the recipe durrrrrrt

    1. It says enough pastry for a two crust pie. Use your favourite recipe.


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