Friday 18 March 2011

Onion and Mustard Sauce

So today we splurged on Boiled Bacon and Cabbage . . . well, actually a boiled gammon slipper joint and cabbage. It went down a real treat along side of peeled potatoes I had cooked in the pot liqueur along with the cabbage and some whole peeled carrots.

I hardy missed having Corned Beef at all. ☺

The vegetables were really tasty, scooped onto our plates and spread with a bit of butter and a grinding of pepper.

The gammon was oh so tender and pink . . . and delicious with this onion and mustard sauce I made to go along with it. Silky and rich, and filled with soft as butter onions bits and a light mustard tang . . . it went perfectly with the slight saltiness of the gammon.

It would also go very well with a mild favoured fish such cod or haddock.

The trick is to cook the onions until they are pratically melting, without colouring them. You will want to cook them on the lowest heat possible and stir them frequently. Your reward for all this attention will be a deliciously rich and tangy sauce!

*Onion and Mustard Sauce*
Serves 6
Printable Recipe

A delicious sauce to serve with gammon or bacon, or even fish.

1 large onion, peeled and finely chopped
1 rounded teaspoon of dry mustard powder
1 rounded teaspoon of grainy mustard
1 1/2 ounces of butter (3 TBS)
1 ounce plain flour (2 TBS)
6 fluid ounces of milk
6 ounces of ham stock
fine sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Melt 2 TBS of the butter in a saucepan. Add the onion. Cook over the lowest heat possible, for about 20 minutes without colouring, stirring occasionally. Whisk in the flour and mustard powder, and cook over low heat for about a minute. Whisk in the milk a little bit at a time. Whisk in the ham stock in the same way. Cook and whisk until the mixture bubbles and thickens somewhat. Allow to simmer for about 5 minutes. Whisk in the remaining butter and the grainy mustard. Taste and adjust seasoning with salt and black pepper to taste. (You probably won't need any salt, depending on your tastes.) Pour into a sauceboat and serve warm at the table.


  1. Am having salmon on the grill tonight and will make this heavenly sauce. Sounds perfect. Thanks.

  2. Oooh now that is a nice sauce! Perfect with gammon - I could eat that right now actually!

  3. Oh that sounds perfect. Your photos are making me so hungry. I love boiled gammon.

  4. Please enlighten this Western US farmer's daughter: What is a boiled gammon slipper joint? My ignorance is embarrassing, but I just love the names you Brits have for foods!

  5. Hi Shepherdess! Thanks for your Question! Gammon is the name given over here to ham before it is cooked. At least that is what a butcher told me when I first came over here. Once it's cooked it becomes officlally ham.

    The hind leg of the pig is known as a gammon and is a huge joint, weighing, on average, about 8.5-9.5kg, thus making it difficult to cook at home. So it is more often divided into smaller cuts.

    A slipper joint is a small, lean joint, cut from the side of the whole gammon (Hind leg of the pig), and weighs about 750g. Ideal for boiling or roasting.

  6. Ham and mustard sauce is huge favorite of ours. I love your version.

  7. Thank you, it's superb with ham

    1. Thanks Paul, indeed it is excellent with ham! xo

  8. Thank you, that sauce made the New Years Day, Ham Roast

    1. I hope you don't mind me publishing both your comments Paul, but they were both just so darned lovely! Thanks and Happy New Year!

  9. This sauce sounds amazing and I will definately try this with our Christmas/New Year 20/21 Gammon .. I am licking my lips already ... Thank you for sharing it

    1. I hope that you enjoy it! Its a really nice sauce!


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