Monday 11 February 2013

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

 Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

When we were in town the other day I saw this sandwich advertised on one of the little cafe windows.  I think it was an Italian one. 

It sounded fabulous.  Cranberry, Bacon and Brie Panini.   What's not to like about that!

 Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

That very day I bought a wedge of Brie at the cheese mongers in the Market.  I was already formulating a plan in my head.   

I already had some nice dry cure streaky bacon in the fridge.   I like to buy dry cure bacon.  It's not pumped full of water. I hate bacon that has been pumped full of water. The dry cure bacon fries like a dream and tastes a bazillion times better.

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

I used a spicy cranberry chutney, because I rather like that.   But regular cranberry sauce would be delicious as well I think.   I just happened to have some of my homemade Cranberry Chutney to use. 

  I also added some greenery . . . mustard cress, for colour and for a bit of a peppery bite. But you can use any microgreen you want, or even just leave greens out altogether.

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

Some nice fresh Panini rolls and Bob's your Uncle!   These went down a real treat.   They were rich and smokey and sweet and salty . . . deliciously scrummy. 

I do so love a good sandwich. I applaud the Earl of Sandwich who supposedly invented the Sandwich. He was on to a really good thing for sure.

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

Even my husband who is basically a "cheddar" man loved them.   Seriously the man thinks that only cheese worth eating is cheddar.  

He complained when we were in France a few years ago and we couldn't get any.  Any cheese of the world you could imagine . . . but no cheddar.  If it's not cheddar it's not cheese as far as he's concerned!

 Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

*Cranberry, Bacon and Brie Panini*
for two
Printable Recipe

Fabulously moreish panini.  Salty and sweet, rich and a bit peppery from the mustard cress.

two panini buns
6 rashers of streaky bacon, cooked to your desired doneness
4 slices of brie cheese
a handful of mustard cress (can use rocket or watercress)
4 TBS cranberry sauce

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

Cut your panini buns in half horizontally.    Spread the bottom half of each with 2 TBS of the cranberry sauce.  Top with 2 slices of Brie on each some cress and 3 slices of bacon.  Place the panini bun tops on each.   Butter lightly on the outsides and then toast in a panini press, or in a hot skillet just until golden and the cheese has begun to melt.  Serve hot and cut in half on the diagonal. 

Cranberry, Bacon & Brie Panini

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  1. Wow....looks so to grab & eat it..ha ha

  2. You made me smile when you said T got to France and missed cheddar:)

    Looks decadently delish.

  3. What a great sandwich, bacon gives such a nice taste to any dish.

  4. Looks amazing i shall have to make it soon :)


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