Monday 28 April 2014

Sunshine Morning Swirls

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I usually always have puff pastry lurking in my freezer.  It's one of my store cupboard ingredients and it comes in really handy for both sweet and savory bakes.  It makes a lovely topping on a pot pie and it makes beautiful sweet scrolls . . . like these delicious Sunny Morning Scrolls.

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I had a jar of lemon curd in the refrigerator that needed using up and we have had such a run of beautiful sunny days recently, I decided to put the two together and came up with these delicious Breakfast pastries.

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They were very easy to make.  You just unroll your puff pastry and spread it with some lemon curd to the edges . . . easy enough.   Then I chopped some sultana raisins and toasted pecan nuts together in the mini chopper and sprinkled them on top of the lemon curd, prior to rolling it all up in a nice tight roll.

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After  that I used a nice sharp knife to cut the roll into 8 thick slices and placed them onto a paper lined baking tray.  Still easy, right?   Smush them down a tiny bit with the palm of your hand and brush them with an egg wash.  (An egg yolk beaten with a bit of water, simple.)   A final sprinkle of crunchy demerara (turbinado) sugar and they were ready to be baked.

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In all honesty I am a bit like a child when I have something like this in the oven, watching them puff up as they bake, through the glass in the oven window.  It's like magic.

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Once baked I create lemon drizzle icing to drizzle over them, sort of like gilding the lily I suppose.  They would have been quite lovely without it, but with it . . . well . . . see for yourself.  Is that not magnifique???   Are you drooling yet?  I thought so!  Just like little rays of sunshine.  Fresh flavours.  Easy to make.  So delicious!

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*Sunny Morning Swirls*
Makes 8

I called these sunny morning swirls because  they reminded me of the sun, with their golden lemon curd, sultana and pecan filling rolled up in puff pastry and baked, then glazed with a tangy lemon glaze.  Beautiful breakfast treats!  

1 sheet of ready roll puffed pastry, all butter if you can get it
150g of good quality lemon curd (a generous half cup)
75g of sultana raisins (1/2 cup)
60g of toasted pecans (1/2 cup)
1 egg yolk, beaten with a drop of water
demerara sugar
For the glaze:
65g icing sugar, sifted (1/2 cup)
lemon juice 

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Preheat the oven to 200*C/400*F/ gas mark 6.  Line a baking sheet with baking parchment.  Set aside. 

Put your pecans and sultanas into a food processor and blitz a couple times until they are coarsely chopped.  Set aside.

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Unroll your puffed pastry on a lightly floured surface.   Spread the entire surface with the lemon curd, spreading it out evenly.  Sprinkle the raisin and nut mixture over top.  Roll up tightly from the short end.  Cut into 8 even sliced crosswise.  Place them onto the baking sheet and flatten slightly with the palm of your hand.  Brush each with some of the beaten egg yolk.  Sprinkle evenly  with some demerara sugar.  

Bake in the heated oven for 15 to 20 minutes, until puffed and golden brown.  Remove from the oven.  Let stand on the baking sheet for about 5  minutes then scoop off onto a wire rack.  Whisk together the glaze ingredients, adding only enough lemon juice to the sugar to make a drizzable mixture.  You may only need about a teaspoon of juice.  Drizzle decoratively over top of the buns.   Serve warm.

Delicious indeed!!


  1. Oh dear these look stunning to any time I do t know why I really love all buns type love these:)
    Have a nice day:)

  2. Thanks Gloria, you are such a dear friend. You have a nice day too! xxoo

  3. Thanks Monique! They're pretty tasty too. Almost TOO tasty if you know what I mean!

  4. hmm... I have some Cherry Tree Jams, Pina Colada Curd in the cupboard just begging to be opened.I think these might taste very delicious with that! OH needs a quick breakfast before work so what could be more perfect to put him in a good mood when its cold, wet and way to early for decent folk to be up??

  5. That all sounds very good Shen! xx

  6. Well, it seemed they tasted fine.. except I set the oven on grill by mistake! whoops, the outside was yummy but raw pastry in the middle is not a good flavour! Been using a different oven for a few weeks and just yeah... oops...

  7. Aww what a shame Shen! You will have to try again once you get used to the way your oven works.


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