Tuesday 22 December 2020

Stuffed Sugar Cookies


Last week I was in WalMart (never thought I would say that). They had bags of bite sized chocolate candies on offer, 3 for some some odd price that sounded good. 
I remember thinking to myself, "those might come in handy for baking or something over the holidays."  

 Stuffed Sugar Cookies
So I picked up three assorted bags.  A bag of Caramilk Squares. A bag of Turtles Minis.  A bag of Big Turk Mini's. I like all three, although they are not things I generally eat very often.  I remember also thinking that a mini is not as bad as eating a whole.

Then on Sunday I went into Tim Hortons to take Eileen's Tim his Birthday Card. I picked up a coffee for my Sister while I was in there and a gingerale for myself.  As I was standing in line waiting, I was looking in their baking case.  As you do  . . .

I often find that I can get inspired cooking-wise simply by looking at things. My mind starts to turning and before you know it I have plans forumulating.  I looked at their strawberry danish and thought to myself how good they looked.

Then I looked at their Bavarian Cream Donuts and thought to myself about how I have been going to try making some of those at home for a while now, but haven't.  And I contemplated buying four while I was there for dessert after supper.

But then I thought twice about it. Scratch that idea.  They are so expensive and I don't know about you, but I never think they live up to my expectations of them.

And then I was looking at their cookies (it was a long line up and wait.)  I remember thinking how expensive they were for a cookie. They had all kinds. Chocolate Chip, Oatmeal  . . . Stuffed Sugar Cookies.  Wait!  STUFFED SUGAR COOKIES??? 😲😲😲

The wheels in my head started turning.  I have stuffed cookied with things before, mostly chocolate chip cookies with bits and bobs.  But I have never stuffed a sugar cookie.

I remembered those chocolate minis I had purchased at Walmart.  How good would those be stuffed into a sugar cookie?  How good indeed!   I immediately set a goal for myself to make some.

And what better time of year to make an outrageous cookie than at Christmas time. We have all had enough disappointments this year. Let us spend the next couple of days indulging our taste fantasies somewhat. 

I love sugar cookies.  I like them crisp edged and a bit chewy in the centres.  Stuffing them with chocolate minis just has to be outrageously delicious!

And so today that  is what I did. I took my favourite sugar cookie recipe and stuffed them with chocolate minis.  This is my favourite sugar cookie for a few reasons. 

One there is no faffing about involved in making them. You make the dough. You roll it into balls. ou roll thw balls in sugar and you bake.  Easy peasy.

I love how they always bake up with perfectly crisp edges. I love how they always bake up with slightly chewy centres.  I love the sugar crust that coats the outsides.

How much more would I love them filled with something sweet and chocolatey??? Or chocolate, caramel and pecans, like turtles.  How much more  . . .

OH MY WORD!! Sorry for shouting.  I can't help myself.  This is one of the cookies I stuffed with a turtle mini.  You just know it has to be good.

Outrageously, decadently, addictively good.  You get that first rush from the crisp sugar edge  . . .

And then as you move towards the middle you get the hit of chocolate . . .  milk chocolate.  Oh my, then there is that sticky caramel  . . .  and the pecans.

This is one monster of a cookie.  Incredibly edibly deliciously moreish!

Just look at that.  Why do I do this to myself. I'm a diabetic and I can't be eating things like this. That doesn't mean that I can't bake them for other people though. 

I get a great deal of pleasure out of baking things like this for other people. In England  I used to gift the excess to my next door neighbour Maxine an her son Cory, or Ariana.

Here I have Dancing Dan the Man, and my sister.  Dad shouldn't eat this stuff either. Then there are Eileen and Tim who will be coming over on Boxing day . . . this is the perfect treat for that occasion.

And it is Christmas after all.  There is the man in the red suit who is coming to visit all and sundry on Christmas Eve.  Covid or no covid.  He deserves a treat, and a special one at that!

Stuffed Sugar Cookies

These would make excellent additions to any cookie tray.  They may not look like much, but you know what they say about judging a book by its cover. Never do that or you will oftimes miss out on something really special.

I would think any chocolate mini would be fabulous stuffed into one of these. Rolo's, KitKats, Milk Duds, Andes Mints, etc. Just pick your favourite chocolate and fly with it!  I would love to hear what you come up with!

Stuffed Sugar Cookies

Stuffed Sugar Cookies
Yield: Makes about 3 dozen
Author: Marie Rayner
prep time: 10 Mincook time: 11 Mintotal time: 21 Min
This is what happens when your brain goes into overdrive after being inspired by something you see at Tim Hortons.


  • 3/4 cup (180g) butter, softened
  • 3.4 cup (150g) granulated sugar (plus more for rolling)
  • 1/2 cup (100g) soft light brown sugar, packed
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) light cornsyrup
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 medium free range egg
  • 2 1/2 cups (310g) all purpose flour
  • a variety of bite sized chocolate candies


  1. Preheat the oven to 190*C/375*F/ gas mark 5.  Line a few large baking sheets with baking paper. Set aside.
  2. Put some granulated sugar for rolling into a bowl. Set aside.
  3. Cream together the butter, both sugars, the corn syrup, soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl until light and fluffy and everything is well mixed together. Beat in the egg.
  4. Gradually beat in the flour until well incorporated.  Taking tablespoons of dough, wrap it around each chocolate candy to completely enclose the chocolate.  Roll in the bowl of sugar and place onto the baking sheet, leaving two to three inches in between each.
  5. Bake for 11 minutes, until just golden and set.  Leave to cool on the baking sheets for abou 5 minutes before removing to a wire rack to finish cooling completely.
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Stuffed Sugar Cookies

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  1. My husband would love these. You are an enabler, Marie! I shall bookmark these to try in the New Year as right now we are up to our gills in baked goods and I don't think even my bottomless pit of a husband could fit in another thing - lol!

    I love the way you think about food. You always find something new and innovative which keeps us coming back.

    1. Oops so sorry about that! ;-) I think part of the fun of these is wondering which one you are getting when you use a variety of stuffings! Thank you for your sweet comment! Happy Christmas! xoxo

  2. You made me laugh out loud as I read your descriptions! This recipe will definitely be added to the list of things to try. I'm running through my list of favorite sweets already!
    Thanks, Marie!

    1. Merry Christmas Deb! Hope you enjoy the cookies and thank you for being a part of my world. Be Blessed. xoxo


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