Having fun with Tassimo and Winter Warming Drinks

Wednesday 27 November 2013

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The Tassimo people challenged their bloggers to come up with a Winter Warming Drink for November.  I found that a real challenge, but this is what I came up with and I let my Canadian Side come to the forefront!

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Here is what you will need . . .

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One Tassimo Milka Hot Chocolate T disc

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One Tassimo Cafe Hag Crema (Decaf) T disc

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A quantity of maple whipped cream  (Simple whip some double cream until thick, having added about 1 TBS of pure Maple Syrup)

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Pure Maple Syrup (Canadian of course!)

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And finally some chocolate shot sprinkles.  I am partial to the dark chocolate ones.

Simply do both pods, one at a time, into a large hot chocolate mug and give them a good stir together.  Top with the maple whipped cream.  Drizzle with a touch more Maple Syrup and sprinkle with the chocolate shot.

What have you got???  A winter hand warming Maple Mocha Crema!  Beeeeee-utiful!

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  1. This is absolutely decadent, Marie.
    I love sweetening my coffee w maple syrup every now & then, too!


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