Here is a really fun idea that would make fabulous and unusual gifts for your friends and family this Christmas. They are cute, tasty and really easy to make . . . a really fabulous edible novelty gift! And of course it uses everyone's favourites Malteasers Chocolate Malt Balls and Terry's Chocolate Oranges. (Which come in all sorts of flavours now instead of just the orange flavour. AND, I picked up some for only £1 a piece. If you buy the big box of Maltesers, you will get enough malt balls in it to cover several oranges.) These are really cute!!
When my children were growing up I did a Gingerbread creation for them every year, without fail. I always enjoyed doing and they really enjoyed the fruits of my labours. This is a recipe which I had shared on my old Oak Cottage Blog about 8 years ago now, but I thought it was worthy of sharing here in my English Kitchen. The pictures are not the best, but I am sure you can get a good idea of what it should look like.
Well, I guess the holiday season is well and truly upon us now. Time to get baking! Often during the years when my children were growing up I did not have a lot of money to buy gifts for other people and so the thing that I would love to do most of all was to prepare a tray of baking to gift people with. I would spend several weeks baking up my favourite cookies and cakes and freezing them. You could buy cheap Christmas trays at the dollar/pound shop and then in the days just prior to Christmas, I would place an assortment of baking onto each tray, wrap them up in cling film, attaching a pretty tag and ribbon and that is what they would get. I never had a person that was disappointed to receive this gift! Ever! Today I an presenting you a round up of some of the tasty morsels I would include! This type of gift is always most welcome for neighbors or friends, even family.
I know that all of my North American friends cooked their Thanksgiving turkeys yesterday. I also helped to cook aThanksgiving Dinner this year for all of the Missionaries in our District. Not too many leftovers here, but I know that many of you have refrigerators bulging with leftovers, and that some of you will be scratching your heads and trying to come up with new and interesting things to do with them. Here are some tasty ideas this morning to help you use up some of those scrummy leftovers. Of course you could just have a reheat of the leftovers, but it's also nice to dress them up in a few different ways too!
You Brits and Canucks might want to bookmark this page as Christmas is less than a month away and you 'll be wanting to figure out what to do with your Christmas Turkey leftovers then! (And yes, this is a repeat from last year. This stuff just never gets old.)
This is a recipe I got from a Women's Weekly Cookbook entitled "Muffins, Scones and Bread." I like the Women's Weekly books. I have a few of them and the recipes always turn out well and are delicious. These little damper buns are no exception!
Finding a dessert during the holidays that is diabetic friendly and good for those who are slimming can be a real challenge. I think I have come up with the perfect solution. It is diet friendly, light, sugar free and it actually tastes delicious. It will never quite replace cake or pie . . . but it's nice nevertheless.
In my quest for eating healthier I baked us some delious Mini Turkey Loaves for supper the other night. These are FAB ulous! Moist and filled with lovely flavours.
The people at Rachel's sent me over some fresh new Autumn/Winter recipes for me to try. Boy do they ever look delicious. With my diabetes I have to be a bit careful what I eat at the moment, so the first one I tried was the Avocado on Sour Dough Toast with Chilli Scrambled Egg & Bacon. (I used sausage instead of bacon.) There is also a recipe for A Salted Caramel Malt Cake and Lemon, Coconut and White Truffles. Sooooo delicious!
One thing I despaired of when I first moved over here to the UK, was the lack of cake mixes. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoy made from scratch cakes and more often than not I make my cakes from scratch, always have, always will . . .
but there are times when it's pretty handy to have a cake mix in the larder and there are lots of things you can do with a cake mix that are impossible to do any other way, or not that I have been able to figure out anyways.
For instance my Chocolate Cherry Bars . . . they use a chocolate cake mix, some cherry fruit filling, eggs and some almond extract. That's it and they are gorgeous.
For a long time now you've been able to get Devil's Food Cake Mix here and Carrot Cake Mix, and more recently a Red Velvet one, Vanilla one and a Chocolate Vanilla Marble one.
Happy to say they now have a Classic Coffee Cake Mix! Coffee flavoured Cake is somewhat of a British Traditional Cake here, and more often than not it is combined with walnuts.
I have a few from scratch recipes on here and they are good. I was sent this Classic Coffee Cake mix and some Classic Coffee Icing to try the other day.
I know I could have just baked it up and showed you what it would look like and taste like then, but anyone can do that.
I wanted to do something very different with it . . . I wanted to showcase the versatility of something as humble as a cake mix and so . . . I present . . .
Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices!! Oh boy these are just fabulous!
You have a lovely buttery Coffee flavoured base . . . filled with a rich sweet almost cheesecake fillng, made even more delicious with the addition of toasted walnuts and chocolate chips . . .
All topped with a coffee nut streusel . . . and drizzled with a coffee icing drizzle. What's not to like?
You know . . . when you have a cake mix in the cupboard, you have more than a cake waiting to be baked . . . you also have the makings of a spectacular dessert or tea time treat!
And these are just that . . . a delicious treat! Rich and toothsome . . .
Buttery . . . chewy . . . gooey. In short . . . scrumdiddlyumptious!! What are you waiting for??
You need to drop down to the shops and pick up this new Classic Coffee Cake Mix and the icing pronto! You won't be sorry you did!
Seriously . . . these lovely slices are THE best. Trust me on this. These are sure to become a new family favourite!
*Butter-crumptious Coffee Walnut Slices*
Makes 1 9-inch square pan
For the base:
1 (425g) box Betty Crocker Classic Coffee Cake mix (two layer cake, 12 servings)
1 (425g) box Betty Crocker Classic Coffee Cake mix (two layer cake, 12 servings)
125g butter, melted (1/2 cup)
1 large free range egg
90g of chocolate chips (1/2 cup)
60g of chopped toasted walnuts (1/2 cup)
For the filling:
1 (250g) pack of full fat cream cheese (8 ounces)
2 large free range eggs
190g of golden caster sugar (1 cup)
1 tsp of either vanilla extract or 1/2 tsp coffee extract
To top:
3 TBS of the dry base mix (before you add the egg)
2 TBS rolled oats
2 TBS chopped toasted walnuts
You will also need (optional):
Betty Crocker Classic Coffee Icing

the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4. Line a 9 inch square baking pan
with baking paper, leaving an overhang for lifting out. Butter the
paper. Set aside.
Mix the dry cake mix together with
the melted butter to combine well. Remove 3 TBS of it and set aside.
Beat the egg into the remainder of it. Press the batter (it will be
fairly stiff) into the bottom and 1/2 inch up the sides of the baking
pan. Beat together the cream cheese, sugar, eggs and extract for the
filling. Sprinkle the chocolate chips and toasted walnuts over the base
evenly. Pour the cheese mixture over top.
Mix together the reserved base mix, oats and walnuts. Sprinkle over top of the cheese mixture.
in the pre-heated oven for 30 to 35 minutes until the edges are golden
brown and the filling is almost set. It should still be a little jiggly
in the very centre. (Not a lot, but just slightly) Remove from the
oven and set aside to cool compltely in the pan.
the can of icing in the microwave for 30 seconds. Using a spoon,
drizzle it decoratively over top of the cake. Allow to set before
cutting the cake into squares to serve. Store any leftovers in the
refrigerator.NOTE - If you can't get a coffee flavored cake mix (and I know in North America that is a problem), use a yellow, white or spice cake mix. Add 1 tsp coffee extract to the base mixture, and another 1/2 tsp of coffee extract to the a can of vanilla icing to glaze, or simply blend together a cup of icing sugar, a few drops of coffee extract and enough milk to make it the right consistency to drizzle.
I apologise for the lack of tasty looking photos for this, but I was in a rush to show them to you today. They are so good (I confess I had a nibble, I may be a Latter Day Saint, but I'm not A SAINT!) I was out all day doing Missionary work and so I rushed to take some photos while I still had some light!
Many thanks to Betty Crocker for sending these new flavours to me. I really like them and I am so grateful to have a new flavour to add to my larder. This cake has a lovely coffee flavour and smells heavenly. Two thumbs up! Now . . . if they would only get a lemon flavoured one here. Sigh . . .
My Todd really loves a spice cake, and this applesauce cake is one of his favourites. He loves apple anything to begin with, but when you combine the flavour of apples in a cake along with the warm baking spices, he is in cake heaven. He would probably rather have an apple pie for sure, but this is a close second on his list of teatime loves.
In our house when I was growing up you could tell what day of the week it was by whatever my mother was cooking for supper. Friday nights were always hot dog nights.
On Saturdays we had baked beans. Sundays was a roast usually . . . pork, which was always served cold because that was the way my father liked it, cold with mustard . . . very occasionally a chicken, and even more rarely a roast of beef.
My dad didn't like roast beef. Week nights would be spaghetti one night . . . burgers or chops another night, and probably leftovers from Sunday one night.
I don't think I was quite as predictable, although my family certainly had their favourites . . . which I cooked for them fairly often . . .
things like spaghetti bolognese, or beef stew, oven fried chicken, baked beans and ham, enchiladas or tacos, etc.
You couldn't tell what day of the week it was by what I was cooking however. I never kept to a schedule.

I was a great list writer and menu planner, but more often not whatever we had for supper depended on my mood, the larder and whatever I felt like cooking or eating.
I was a great list writer and menu planner, but more often not whatever we had for supper depended on my mood, the larder and whatever I felt like cooking or eating.
They usually liked whatever I cooked. I tried hard not to cook things they were not fond of, which really . . . wasn't very much. My kids (except for the youngest who was extremely fussy) ate just about everything.

I loved cooking and I loved cooking for them. Nothing has changed except for the size of my household.
I loved cooking and I loved cooking for them. Nothing has changed except for the size of my household.
Now is it just the two of us and occasionally the young missionaries or other guests. Todd is fairly easy to please, but loves meat and potatoes best of all. Rib sticking food.
Occasionally I will cook this for our supper, which is quick and easy and quite adaptable size wise . . . its not difficult to cut the recipe in half to suit just two of us.
As you are cooking it some of the potatoes break down to thicken the sauce. The paprika gives it a hint of warmth, but not too much, although you could certainly add more paprika if you want it spicier.
I am a meat and potatoes lover also, although I try not to each many potatoes these days because of the diabetes. New potatoes are low GI so they are not as hard on you as regular ones, so that is what I use.
A vegetable and a salad on the side (for me) and we are good to go! Todd likes crusty bread with his to sop up all the juices.

1 TBS olive oil
1 TBS butter
2 brown onions, peeled, quartered and thinly sliced
1 clove of garlic, peeled and minced
fine sea salt
freshly ground black pepper
1 1/2 tsp sweet hungarian paprika
10 medium new potatoes, peeled, sliced in half lengthwise,
and then sliced again into 1/2 inch thick half moons
375ml chicken stock ( 1 1/2 cups)
1 TBS chopped fresh parsley

1 TBS of olive oil in a large non-stick pan over medium high heat.
Add the smoked sausage and brown well on both sides. Scoop out with a
slotted spoon and keep warm.
A delicious one pan warmer which goes down a real treat. Super simple and quick to throw together.
1 pound of smoked sausage, sliced into 1/4 inch thick roundsand then sliced again into 1/2 inch thick half moons
Add the onions to the pan along with teh
butter. Cook, stirring occasionally over medium low heat until
lightly caramelized. Add the garlic, paprika, salt and pepper and cook
until fragrant, about 1 minute or so.
Add the sliced potatoes. Stir to coat with the onions and garlic mixture. Add the chicken stock, bring to the boil, then reduce to a simmer.
Partially cover and
continue to cook until the potatoes are tender, stirring occasionally.
(About 20 minutes.) Try not to break the potatoes up too much. The
sauce will thicken during this time. Gently fold in the smoked sausage
and heat through.
Taste and adjust seasoning as required. If desired
add a drizzle of olive oil. Sprinkle with parsley and serve. Crusty
bread is nice with this.

This is one of my cheap and cheerful entree's, a one pan supper, which is quick, easy and quite delicious. Its often the simple things in live which bring us the most pleasure.
This is one of my cheap and cheerful entree's, a one pan supper, which is quick, easy and quite delicious. Its often the simple things in live which bring us the most pleasure.
My mom always said that I could take an old boot and make it taste delicious. I am not sure if that is true or not, but I do have a knack for creating something delicious to eat using whatever I have to hand. Today I had leftover potatoes and roast pork from dinner the other day that I needed to use up pronto and this is what I came up with. It was fabulously delicious!
I make no secret of it. Pasta is one of my absolute favourite things to eat. The Toddster, well not so much, but gradually through the years I have been wearing him down to the point where now he doesn't quite protest so much when I cook it. Me . . . well . . . I am in heaven just to sit down with a bowl of butter pasta garnished with nothing but butter, salt and pepper. I also love to create delicious sauces to serve with it. Pasta is the perfect canvas for highlighting a multitude of flavours and textures. You just can't go wrong with it. It's quick to prepare. It's delicious and with the exception of Todd, it's always a welcome lunch or supper dish!
Having spent a great deal of my formative years and part of my adulthood in Nova Scotia, Canada, I consider myself to be from Nova Scotia, even though I was born on Prince Edward Island. I am an Airforce Brat, and the ex-wife of a Canadian Serviceman, which means I have lived in many places in my life . . . but Nova Scotia is where my heart and allegiance lay.
I was recently sent some samples of the new Limited J2O Midnight Editions juice drinks! Delicious!
Midnight Forest - an enchanting blend of real orange and cherry fruit juices with a hint of chocolate flavour to excite the senses. The inviting flavours and unique bottle design will transport you to an ethereal world of fantasy, providing a sense of release from the boundaries of normality. J2O Midnight Forest is available at all major supermarkets.
Midnight Amber - a fabulous blend of orange, lemon and mandarin flavours. Iignite your senses with a magical burst of orange and lemon fruit juices blended with winter spice flavour. Delve into your subconscious this party season, and find J2O Midnight Amber available exclusively in Marstons, Greene King and Fullers pubs.
These are fabulous soft drinks for grown ups, and would make a fab addition to your holiday festivities when out and about with your friends and family over the holidays or when celebrating in the comforts of your own home.
IF I am really on the ball on Sundays, I make good use of my slow cooker by popping dinner into it before we leave for church. This week I got lucky and got this lovely Merlot Beef Ragout on quite early in the morning, so it was cooked to perfection by the time we got home. Some rice and a couple of veg and dinner was served in short course! I love it when that happens. I am usually starving when we get home!
I made myself a promise when I was diagnosed as a Type 2 Diabetic that I was going to try to bake something diabetic friendly at least once a week that I could share with others, that we would all find delicious and appealing. I confess that some of my experiments have been pretty blah, but occasionally I have come up with something that is really pleasing and that I feel pretty excited to share with you! And that is the case with this delicious Berry and Apple Crumble!
This was always a really busy time of year for me when the children were growing up. This was the time I began all of my Christmas baking preparations each year.
Baking cookies and cakes and tarts for the holidays and freezing them as I went along.
We always did a lot of entertaining during the holidays having get-togethers with family and friends, so doing things ahead always just made sense.
I also liked to make up cookie trays to gift my friends and family with. I can tell you nobody ever turned one down.
Most years we didn't have a lot of money to spend on gifts and food for the holiday so it worked out a lot better for me if I did a little of it at a time.
In all truth, I don't know of anyone . . . friend or family . . . who didn't welcome the gift of a tray of baking during the holidays! They always went down a real treat.
These "Cut Glass Cinnamon Crisps" were always a really tasty addition to my baking. They didn't ask for unusual ingredients.
Just simple things that were always in the house. Butter, sugar, egg, flour and cinnamon. Yep . . . that's all.

They really look much more complicated than they are. Their beauty belies their simplicity.
They really look much more complicated than they are. Their beauty belies their simplicity.
It's just a simple butter cookie dough, rolled into balls. They are then pressed down onto lined or buttered baking sheets using the bottom of a drinking glass which has a base with a textured design.

Easy peazy and oh so pretty! I use the base of one of my crystal candle sticks. When I was younger, my mother used to give my sister and I each a piece of crystal each year for Christmas.
Easy peazy and oh so pretty! I use the base of one of my crystal candle sticks. When I was younger, my mother used to give my sister and I each a piece of crystal each year for Christmas.
I love that not only do they grace my holiday table each year reminding me of my mother's love for me, but also that they can play such an important part in my holiday baking!
I love the impression the candlestick makes on these cookies . . . a star . . . like the star which led the wise men to the baby Jesus.
I love the impression the candlestick makes on these cookies . . . a star . . . like the star which led the wise men to the baby Jesus.
It's just perfect for the holidays. These are actually perfect any time of the year.

These cookies are crisp and buttery and so easy to make. Plus they are delicious with a subtle hint of cinnamon in the batter and a full on cinnamon sugar coating on the outside.
These cookies are crisp and buttery and so easy to make. Plus they are delicious with a subtle hint of cinnamon in the batter and a full on cinnamon sugar coating on the outside.
Perfect for dunking in your holiday hot cocoa when you come in from a cold evening of caroling!
Some other Christmas Cookies you might enjoy are:
EVERYDAY SHORTBREAD COOKIES - These are the shortbread cookies my mother baked for us every Christmas. Simple and decorated only with colored sugar, we looked forward to these delicious cookies every year!
EGGNOG THUMBPRINT COOKIES - Delicious crisp shortbread type of cookies, with a dimple in the middle that you fill with a delicious Eggnog Buttercream icing! They look really pretty on a cookie plate!
Cut Glass Cinnamon Crisps
Yield: 36 cookies
Author: Marie Rayner
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 15 MinTotal time: 25 Min
Beautiful cookies with lots of cinnamon flavour. I gave them the name Cut Glass Cinnamon Cookies because you press them down with the bottom of any drinking glass that has a textured design on it.
- 190g caster sugar (1 cup)
- 225g butter, softened (1 cup)
- 1 medium free range egg
- 325g of plain flour (2 1/4 cup)
- 3 tsp ground cinnamon
- 3 TBS caster sugar
- Mix together 2 tsp of the ground cinnamon along with the 3 TBS of caster sugar in a small bowl. Set aside.
- Cream together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Beat in the egg until well incorporated. Beat in the 1 tsp cinnamon. Stir in the flour, mixing it in until well blended. Chill for 1 hour or until easy to handle.
- Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/gas mark 4. Line a couple of baking sheets with baking paper. Set aside.
- Roll the dough into 1 1/2 inch balls using your hands. Drop the balls into the cinnamon sugar and roll them around to coat evenly. Place 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheets. With the bottom of a decoratively cut glass press each ball of dough down to about 1/4 inch thickness.
- Bake for 11 to 15 minutes, until firm to the touch. Immediately remove from the baking sheets to cool on wire racks.
- Pack the cookies in airtight containers with some wax paper in between the layers. You can also freeze these ahead of time. To maintain their crisp texture, unwrap the cookies before thawing them at room temperature.
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Where we live in Blacon, a suburb of Chester City, we are surrounded by Leek fields. You can smell them in the air this time of year and it's a gorgeous smell. It makes your taste buds tingle and your mouth water.
Leeks are a real autumn and winter favourite in our house and November 1st marks the beginning of the British Leek Season. I have to say with all honesty . . . there is no leek tastier than a fresh British Leek, grown in British soil and harvested and sold within days of being harvested.
I love to buy local and buy fresh. Leeks are a seasonal treat we start to enjoy every autumn, and they figure heavily in our diet throughout the season.

Interestingly enough, Leeks have been cultivated since the time of the Ancient Egyptians and were probably, in all liklihood, a fundamental part of the diet of those who built the pyramids. Hippocrates the ancient Greek physician and ‘father of medicine’ prescribed the leek as a cure for nosebleeds.
Phoenician traders are said to have introduced the leek to Wales when they were trading for tin in the British Isles – an act that would unexpectedly elevate this humble veg to national status thousands of years later, for today the Leek is indeed the Welsh National Symbol!
Like garlic and onions, leeks are a member of the allium family. They have their own distinct flavour however, being quite harsh when raw (only very young leeks are eaten this way.)
Once cooked, they develop a very delicate flavour, similar to a mild onion but with a extra hint of sweetness. Two thirds of their length is white and firm, and this is the part that is mainly eaten.
The rest of the third is made up of the leaves (flags), most of which are discarded. I find them quite useful when making flavourful stocks. I find them to be a very versatile ingredient which works well both in hearthy main dishes, delicious side dishes, and of course in toothsome soups!
I recently used some to create a delicious pie . . . Ham Hock, Leek and Cheese Pie.
Rich, buttery and flaky puff pastry, encasing a fabulous filling, perfectly showcases this delicious autumn/winter vegetable.
You get the smokiness of the ham hock . . . which goes wonderfully with the sweetness of leeks . . . leeks which have been sauteed in butter . . . long and slow to help bring out their very best . . .
Add to that the richess of double cream . . . and gruyere cheese, which has a nutty sweet flavour . . . and you have a beautiful combination of flavours that is at once sublime and yet quite outstanding in every way.
From the moment your fork breaks down through that buttery flakiness into that rich filling you know you are in for a real treat. And it does not disappoint . . . NOT in the least.
This is magnificent. End of. All you really need on the side is a mixed salad to complete your meal.
*Ham Hock, Leek and Cheese Pie*
Serves 6
salt and black pepper to taste
1/4 tsp freshly grated nutmeg
250g of gruyere cheese, grated (1/2 pound)
100g of cooked ham hock, shredded
750g puff pastry (1 1/2 pounds)
the butter in a large skillet over low heat. Once it melts and begins
to foam, add the leeks. Cook, stirring frequently, until they are very
softened, without allowing them to colour. Stir in the flour Add the
cream to the leeks, along with the nutmeg and some seasoning.
the heat to high, stirring constantly. Remove from the heat as soon as
it begins to boil. Set aside and allow to cool to room temperature.
Stir in the ham hock and the cheese. Set aside.
Divide the pastry in half. Roll out each piece to a 10 inch in diameter circle on a lightly floured board. Place one disc onto the paper lined baking tray. Brush the surface lightly with some of the beaten egg mixture.
Spoon the leek cheese filling into the middle of the pastry
disc and spread it out, leaving a 1 inch border free all the way around
the edge of the disc. Top with the other disc of pastry. Crimp the
edges all the way around to seal. Brush the top with more of the beaten
egg mixture. Make a few slits in top to vent.

For more information on this lovely British Vegetable do check out British Leeks. You will find more fun facts, nutritional information, growing information and a whole host of other recipes which showcase this very delicious and versatile vegetable!
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