Irish Pancakes

Wednesday 22 January 2014

I saw some Irish Pancakes (of the Paul Rankin variety) in the shops the other day and I found myself wondering what was the difference between them and Scotch Pancakes or even the buttermilk pancakes from back home.

I decided to find out myself what it was, if any, and so I set out to do some research. What I discovered was quite, quite delicious!

These tasty buttermilk pancakes are a lot fluffier than the American version, but very similar to the Scotch. I don't know why, or how it works, but only that it works. Perhaps it could be that our buttermilk over here is a bit different than the buttermilk from back home. Ours is a lot thicker.

The idea of eating pancakes merely with some butter and jam was never something that I ever considered before moving over here. It seemed that they always tasted fab with butter and Maple Syrup, and I was never tempted to have them any other way, and in truth that is probably the best way of eating American style pancakes.

These however just beg to be spread with softened butter and dolloped with preserves a-la-scone like! Golden, light and fluffy they have a beautiful texture and flavour.

Do be sure to cook as soon as possible after mixing them together. The Soda reacts immediately to the buttermilk and if you delay you won't get the right lift!

Enjoy! (A hot cuppa is a must!)

*Irish Pancakes*
Amount is variable on how large you make them,
but generally speaking makes 4 to 6 servings
Printable Recipe

Better than the American kind I think. Golden, light and fluffy. Serve hot with some softened butter, preserves (or syrup) and a nice hot mug of whatever floats your boat.

8 ounces plain flour (2 cups)
1/2 tsp bicarbonate of soda
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
1 large free range egg
1/2 pint (1 cup) buttermilk

Sift the dry ingredients into a bowl. Whisk well together and then make a well in the middle with a wooden spoon and add the egg. Break the yolk and pour in the buttermilk, mixing quickly to a thick batter. Do not beat, as this would develop the gluten in the flour and prevent the pancakes from rising. Fry in large dollops on a lightly-greased, hot griddle or heavy frying-pan. These delights are best served hot for tea, thickly spread with softened butter and preserves or golden syrup.

This is a repost from an earlier time.  Some things just beg to be redone.  These are one of them.  I had made some Cheese and Spinach Souffle's today and the recipe was wonky, so I can't show you them!   I am e-mailing the company and having a word!


  1. I can't wait to try these. Any suggestions on finding or making my buttermilk thicker? I'm over here on the other side of the pond with thinner buttermilk.

  2. These look good..I have spotty internet today..3 days couldn't comment at your oather just would not just wanted to say your parsnip patties were very good..

  3. These look a lot like what we called pikelets in Australia. As many of the convicts sent to Australia came from Ireland, then it's likely that they brought their food styles with them.

    We don't have buttermilk here, but I usually substitute a mix of yoghurt and milk to get a thickish, slightly acidic milk. For a cup of "buttermilk" I mix 3/4 cup of plain yogurt with 1/4 cup of milk.

  4. Never had Irish pancakes.
    They look dangerously delicious!
    Can't wait to try them this w/end.
    Thanks, Marie. xo

  5. Aimee, Marie has given an excellent substitute for the buttermilk! That would work perfectly!

    Marie, I think you are right, they are called Pikelets in Oz! Same thing!

    Monique! So glad you liked the Parsnip patties. They are a real favourite of ours!

  6. You're welcome Colette! I hope you like them!

  7. It's after breakfast time and not quite lunch time but the minute I read this recipe I just had to make them. Oh, what taste bud delights! They turned out great and I used powdered buttermilk mixed with water. I topped mine with homemade apricot and pineapple jam. You can be sure that I will be sharing this recipe with my family.

  8. So happy you enjoyed Marsha. I like them with Cherry and Vanilla jam! Scrumptious!

  9. I can buy buttermilk here. When we make pikelets we use a little vinegar to sour the milk, or better still use up some stuff that is just on the "verge" of doing so. I don't think sugar ever goes into our recipe either. Will used to cook these as a toddler and we haven't had them since.

  10. Suzan, in North America we always have our pancakes with syrup, so having them with butter and jam is a real novelty! xx

  11. Can these be frozen? I have buttermilk leftover after making the Rhubarb Picnic cake on Saturday, but my in-laws won’t eat these AND the cake before one is past it’s best.

    1. You can absolutely freeze these Kirsty! I often do. I hope you enjoy them! xo


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