French Yogurt Cake

Saturday 18 June 2016

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Sometimes I just have a craving for cake.   I haven't yet been able to sort out a way to make a diabetic cake which actually tastes good and has a texture that I enjoy, but I am working on it.  I have decided that a tiny taste of what  you enjoy  once in a blue moon has to be enough, and so every now and again I treat myself to a slice of cake.  Not an over the top cake . . .  mind . . .  but, beggars can't be choosers can they!

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And so long as you watch your carbs really closely the rest of the day, then there is not a lot of damage done.  So after having eating nothing but protein,  non starchy vegetables and a bit of fruit all day . . .  this is my reward!

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A simple and delicious French Yogurt Cake.   It uses plain unsweetened set yogurt, and you can use low fat if you wish without too much problem, but I just use the regular stuff.  The yogurt pot is your measuring cup, although I have gone to the trouble of converting it to measurements for you, just in case you don't have yogurt pots, like me.  I always buy my plain yoghurt in a large tub.  (And I favour Yeo Valley.  I can't help it.  Its delicious even on its own.)

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There is only 1 TBS of oil used in the cake, which is why I don't really worry about using full fat yogurt.  No butter or marg or shortening.  Two large eggs, and of course there is sugar.  I have never tried making this using sugar substitution.  To be honest I don't really like the flavour of it, and it can have some adverse affects on the digestion.  ahem . . .

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In any case this is a beautiful, ordinary, simple cake that is low in fat and goes together quickly and easily.  You simply bung everything into a bowl, beat it together and then bake.

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You do brush a bit of fresh orange juice onto the cake when you take it out of the oven and while the cake is still hot.  It kinda soaks in.  Lovely jubbly.

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*French Yoghurt Cake*
Makes one 9 inch cake
Serving 8
This cake is moist and delicious.  You use a yogurt pot as the measure.  You can't get it wrong!  I have also provided proper measurements for your convenience. 

125g pot of plain set yogurt (4.5 ounces, or generous half cup)
2 pots of sugar (240g or 1 1/4 cups)
3 pots plain flour (200g or 1 3/4 cup )
2 large free range eggs
1 TBS sunflower oil
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda
pinch salt
the juice of one orange divided
icing sugar to dust the finished cake with

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Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Butter a 9 inch deep cake tin and dust lightly with flour, shaking out any excess.  Set aside.

Place all of the cake ingredients into a bowl and beat together by hand until smooth, using only 1/2 of the orange juice, and reserving the remainder for after.  Pour into the prepared cake tin.  Bake until a toothpick inserted in the centre of the cake comes out clean, 25 to 30 minutes.  Remove the cake from the oven.  Pierce the top with a skewer all over and then pour the remaining orange juice over top.  Allow to cool in the pan for five to 10 minutes, before tipping out onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Dust with icing sugar evenly, but sparsley.  No need to go overboard.  Delicious!

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Bon Appetit!


  1. This looks so good. I'm on low carb and though I know it won't taste half as good may try this with my sugar and flour substitutes. I do miss cake!

    1. I know Carol, cake is well . . . cake! and such a special thing. I am interested in knowing what you use as a flour substitute? I wouldn't mind trying that! Let me know how you get on! xoxo

  2. Barbara from Austria18 June 2016 at 10:26

    And you could add some berries or replace 1/3 of the flour fith grated nuts... delicious! :-)

  3. I love this cake:) Jacques has creme fraiche with it..

    1. Mmm... I love Creme Fraiche. I'm a glutton. (and it shows! lol) xo

  4. I love this cake and make it every time I have to treat friends to tea. It is generally the first cake that children here in France learn to cook. However I generally rather use three eggs, 1 1/2 pot of sugar and half a pot of sunflower oil. What is awesome with this cake is that you can add anything you want inside: vanilla extract, chopped apples, nuts, chocolate chips, melted chocolate which I mix to the dough etc. It's up to you to invent your own recipe!

    1. Thanks for that Virginie! Much appreciated! You have some very lucky friends! xo

  5. Can I use Olive Oil instead of Sunflower Oil?

    1. Personally I wouldn't, but if you have to I would only use a very light Olive Oil, not an extra virgin.

  6. Can I substitute the orange juice

    1. You mean refrigerated Orange Juice? There is 4 to 5 TBS or juice in an orange. That's how much I would use. Use the 4 TBS and see what the consistency is like and only add the 4th TBS if you think you need it.

  7. Have you tried lemon juice instead of orange juice?

    1. I haven’t but I am sure it would be delicious! ~Mari

  8. Yes I used lemon juice first time I baked this and it was delicious- I mixed the lemon juice with icing sugar to drizzle over like a lemon drizzle cake- this is such a versatile recipe

    1. I am so pleased that you baked and enjoyed this cake recipe. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback! It is very much appreciated!


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