Well, the Holidays are upon us and we are all on the precipace of one of the busiest times of the year. There are cards to write, presents to buy and wrap, houses to decorate and parties and get-togethers to plan! And let's not forget that gorgeous Christmas lunch we are all planning on cooking! I look so forward to my Christmas Dinner each year and more often than not, by the time I sit down to enjoy it . . . I'm too tired or stressed to enjoy it. I know you know what I am talking about. I'm often totally pooped by then!
Never fear however, once again the people at Bright House have put together their popular Christmas Kitchen, which is a virtual goldmine of hints, tips and advice to help get your Christmas Kitchen organized and your dinner plans running smoothly so that you will actually be able to manage and enjoy it all with less stress and more pleasure! There are tips to help you organize and get the most out of your refrigerator, advice on telly viewing, hints, tips and schedules to help you create the perfect Christmas lunch, fabulous recipes, clean up tips, cooking tips . . . and much much more. In short, pretty much everything you will need to make the day run well. Do hop on over and check it out. I was pleased to contribute some of my own tips, hints and recipes as well! As they say . . . every little helps!
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