Quick & Easy Rhubarb Cake

Sunday 31 May 2020

Quick and Easy Rhubarb Cake. This is an old fashioned rhubarb cake recipe you are all really going to enjoy. I guarantee!! 

I was gifted with a quantity of rhubarb the other day and since I usually bake my husband something to enjoy at the weekend I decided to bake him a rhubarb cake.  

He does love a piece of cake with his hot drinks.  I don't blame him.  Hot drinks and cakes go together like peas and carrots!

This is one of my favourite Rhubarb Cakes. Quick & Easy Rhubarb Cake is extremely easy to make and oh so delicious! I never get tired of it. Never.

This easy rhubarb cake is so moist and delicious and is perfect served cold with whipped cream as a dessert, or just out of hand as a snack cake.

Everything for the cake gets beaten together in one bowl.  There no need for multiple bowls like there is with some cakes.

One bowl cake?  Count me in!

You beat together the cake ingredients, easy peasy, beginning with the eggs and sugar.  I like to beat them until they are really light in colour.  

The volume will also increase somewhat and it will become thick.

I use Vanilla Paste for this because I love the depth of vanilla flavour it gives to bakes, plus the little flecks of vanilla seeds throughout the batter are also nice. 

You can totally use ordinary vanilla extract if you wish. Just don't use the artificial stuff.  Pure is always better.

There is not much leavening in the cake. Only 3/4 of a teaspoon, which is why you should beat the eggs and sugar together until light.  This will give your cake more volume. 

Its simple chemistry.

The rhubarb is chopped and scattered over top of the batter in the cake tin. I love the way it looks on top of the cake. 

It couldn't be easier.

I love the way it bakes up.

With little dimples and studded pink craters  . . .  you scatter some granulated sugar over top prior to baking  . . .  which gives the top of the cake a bit of a crunch.

You can see how beautiful the texture of this cake is.  The rhubarb also stays near the surface instead of sinking down, which I like.

You could of course serve it warm with a good vanilla ice cream.

I like to serve it with dollops of lightly whipped double cream . . .  that is heavy cream to any North Americans . . .

I don't sweeten the cream or anything  . . .  I just whip it (by hand) until soft peaks form. I don't use squirty cream if I can help it, not ever. 

Squirty cream never holds up.  I think its quite yucky to be honest.

It never quite comes close to the pleasure and quality of real whipped cream.  Never.

In any case, this is a cake I think most people who love rhubarb will enjoy. I bake it at least once during rhubarb season myself.

Yield: Makes one 9-inch cake
Quick & Easy Rhubarb Cake

Quick & Easy Rhubarb Cake

A simple cake with a beautiful texture and wonderful flavours.


  • 130g granulated sugar (2/3 cup)
  • 3 large free range eggs
  • 3 TBS butter, melted
  • 2 TBS whole milk
  • 1 tsp vanilla bean paste
  • 150g plain flour (1 cup +2 TBS all-purpose)
  • 3/4 tsp baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 2 large sticks of rhubarb, diced (about 2 cups)
  • 2 TBS granulated sugar to sprinkle


  1. Preheat the oven to 180*C/350*F/ gas mark 4.  Generously spray a 9-inch round cake tin with canola cooking spray. Set aside.
  2. Beat the eggs and first amount of sugar together in a bowl until light. Beat in the melted butter, vanilla bean paste and milk.  Whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt,  Stir into the creamed mixure to combine well together.  Pour/scrap into the prepared baking tin.   Scatter the chopped rhubarb over top.  Sprinkle with the 2 TBS granulated sugar.
  3. Bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes, or until a skewer inserted in the centre comes out clean.
  4. Allow to cool in the tin on a wire rack. Cut into wedges to serve.
  5. I like to dust it with icing sugar and serve with softly whipped cream.
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Oh how I wish I could sit down and eat a whole piece of this. I'm afraid I am paying for the sins of my youth in my old age.  Oh well . . .  I did have a tiny bite and my husband ate the rest.  Its called quality control. I wouldn't want to feed him anything nasty . . . 😏 

Quick & Easy Rhubarb Cake

This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at: mariealicejoan@aol.com 



  1. Marie, that looks delicious as well as pretty. I'm going to make it for sure. It would be lovely with a cup of coffee or tea for Sunday brunch. Hugs and ❤️, Elaine

    1. And its not too sweet I don't think Elaine! Love and hugs. xoxo

  2. I made this today as we picked our first lot of rhubarb for the year. It was really easy and the result was a tasty, moist cake that we enjoyed out on the deck with a cup of tea. I liked that it was not an overly sweet cake and it paired beautifully with the whipped cream - a perfect balance. This will be a keeper for sure!

    1. Those are the things I like about it as well Marie! I am very pleased that you have baked and enjoyed it! xoxo

  3. This couldn't be better timed. My friend just gave me a bunch of rhubarb the other day. Consider it on the weekend menu!

    1. Its an excellent Cake Jeanie. I hope you enjoy it! Great timing for sure! xoxo

  4. This is a simply delicious taste of spring!

  5. It would be helpful to include weights of ingredients like butter, rather than Spoons


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