Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake.  This is a lovely 8 X 8 cake that your family is going to fall in love with.  The original recipe comes from an old friend of mine called Leona.  I have known Leona for many, many years.  

I met her the night before my middle son was born and he turns 40 this year, so that is how long Leona and I have been friends.  A long, long time.   I am so grateful that 40 years later we can still call ourselves friends.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

I have to say that every single recipe that Leona shared with me became one of my tried and trues.  She was and is an excellent cook, even at the ripe old age of 82!

The only thing I have changed with this through the years is to use butter instead of shortening, and to add a chocolate icing instead of the original vanilla butter cream.  It really is a lovely cake.  Nice and moist (dare I say) and yes, incredibly delicious.

When it comes to chocolate chip cake, this tasty cake sets the standard for everything else. Trust me on this!

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

As I said, the original recipe used a vanilla butter cream icing on top. It was really very good. I found that my family always enjoyed it more with a chocolate butter cream frosting, however and that is how we still enjoy it.

And its a no faff kind of a frosting as well. As simple as sifting some cocoa powder into a bowl, adding some butter and vanilla, a bit of milk, and beating it all together.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

There is no messing about with melting chocolate or anything like that.  Just measure, beat and spread. As they say easy peasy lemon squeezy.

A simple icing as befits a simple cake.  Dessert doesn't have to be complicated to be good!  That's my motto and I stand by it.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

The cake itself mixes all together in one bowl.  First you beat some butter and brown sugar together until light and fluffy. I like my butter to be at room temperature.

Actually I like all of my cake ingredients to be at room temperature. If your eggs are cold from the refrigerator, just fill a bowl with hot water from your sink. (Not boiling)

Add the cold eggs to the water and then leave them for a few minutes. Easy peasy, room temperature eggs.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

Once you have that done, you beat the eggs in, one at a time.  This helps to prevent the butter mixture from splitting and curdling.

If your mixture curdles, simply stir in a spoonful of the flour. It works a charm to bring it all back together.  Just like magic.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

I like to whisk all the dry ingredients together separately.  Just to make sure that the baking powder and soda are mixed properly into the flour.  Its a simple thing to do, and it can make a huge difference in your end result.

This is a really moist cake, due to the fact that it uses sour cream in the batter. This gets added alternately with the dry ingredients. You could also use yogurt if  you don't have any sour cream, plain, not flavored.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

Once you have done that all you have to do is to add the chocolate chips and chopped nuts.  I know you will get tired of hearing me say this, but I always toast my nuts first.

I repeat myself for the benefit of those who are coming here for the first time.  I always, always toast my nuts first.  And this isn't just for baking either.  Toasted nuts just taste  . . . nuttier!

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

I do them a whole bag at a time.  Simply spread them out on a rimmed baking sheet.  Pop into a hot oven, about 375*F/190*C and toast them for about 5 to 8 minutes. You will know when they are done because they will smell nutty.

Let them cool before using. I store them in a zip lock baggie in the freezer.  I can then just take out as many or as few as I need.  Toasted nuts are great in any kind of baked good or even in salads.

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake 

They are even great to snack on.  I love snacking on nuts. They are filled with fiber and vitamins and are quite good for you eaten in moderation.

As you can see the chocolate chips and nuts don't sink to the bottom in this cake, but stay evenly distributed throughout that moist, beautifully crumbed cake. 

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

I baked this cake today in my 8-inch square Laurel pink anchor hocking baking dish.  I love these dishes.  I have bought a couple of them for my hope chest for when I move into my own place. I bought mine at The Hudson's Bay online store.

They had a good sale on and I purchased this, two pie dishes and a loaf pan. They are so very pretty, and I dare say they will come in very useful!!

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

I baked this cake for my father. He comes here to my sister's home every day for his supper. He really looks forward to having something a tiny bit sweet at the end of his meal. His eyes light right up when you ask him if he wants something.

Being able to spend time with him is the silver lining in all of this horrible business I have been through during these past six months. I never thought I would be able to see him again, and just think, now I am baking cakes for him!

There is always a bright side to everything!  Bake the cake for your family. I am positive they will enjoy it. Its been pleasing mine for 40 years!

 Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

Yield: Makes 1 8-inch square cake
Author: Marie Rayner
Prep time: 10 MinCook time: 35 MinTotal time: 45 Min
A simple and delicious cake that is easy to make and delicious!


For the cake:
  • 1 1/2 cups (210g) plain all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup (120g) butter, softened
  • 1 cup (200g) soft light brown sugar, packed
  • 2 large free range eggs
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup (60g) sour cream
  • 1/2 cup (80g) semi sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup (60g) chopped toasted walnuts
For the frosting:
  • 3 TBS butter, softened
  • 1 1/3 cups (about 170g) sifted icing sugar
  • 2 heaped TBS sifted cocoa powder
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • milk (about 3 TBS)


  1. Preheat the oven to 350*F/189*C/ gas mark 4. Butter an 8 inch square baking dish/pan, and dust lightly with flour, shaking out any excess. Set aside.
  2. Cream the butter and brown sugar together until light. Beat in the eggs, one at a time. Stir in the vanilla.
  3. Whisk together the flour, baking powder, soda, salt and cinnamon. Add to the creamed mixture, alternating with the sour cream, until just combined. Stir in the chocolate chips and nuts.
  4. Spread the batter in the prepared baking dish/pan.
  5. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes until risen, golden brown and a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.
  6. Set pan on a wire rack to cool completely.
  7. To make the frosting, whisk together all of the ingredients until light and fluffy, adding only enough milk to give you the perfect consistency for spreading. Spread over the top of the cooled cake evenly.
  8. Cut into squares to serve.
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Chocolate Chip Snack Cake

I have to apologise for the poor photos today. I just couldn't get the lighting correct.  I also wanted to show you one of my hand embroidered flour sack tea towels.  I love them and embroidering them helps to keep my mind and my hands busy. 

This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at mariealicejoan at aol dot com. 

Thanks so much for visiting! Do come again!!


  1. Your cake looks delicious, Marie, especially that glossy chocolate icing. Your baking dish is so pretty. Love the pink. And your embroidered tea towel is very sweet. Have you ever thought of doing a set of days of the week tea towels? I've looked them up on-line and they can fetch a pretty penny for a complete set. The beauty is that most were never used. Enjoy your day. I'm getting a package ready for you. I've tucked a little something in there for Eileen, too. Love and hugs, Elaine

    1. Thanks so much Elaine! I had done days of the week tea towels many years ago, which of course I no longer have. Its a delicious cake and that dish is just precious. I think I will be heartbroken if it ever breaks, lol. I know, I should know by now not to get attached to things! Love and hugs, xoxo PS - you don't need to send me a package but I am excited to get it! You always wrap everything so beautifully. You have a real talent for that! xoxo

  2. This cake looks amazing. When I first saw the photo I thought "Oh she's found the recipe for the UBC Ponderosa cake." If you haven't heard of it, I can easily send you the recipe or it can be Googled. It is delish, too! I will make your cake today, thank you for this!

    1. I have never heard of that cake! Would love the recipe of course! I really hope you enjoy this one! Xoxo

  3. What an inviting looking cake. That pretty swirling, glossy icing really drew me in. I'm certain that I have all the ingredients home for this, so I might bake it for afternoon tea.

    What a clever tip for the nuts - storing them in the freezer. I'd not thought of that. I tend to roast them as I need them, but it's a far better idea to roast the whole bag and then store the rest in the freezer. Though my other half, who regularly raids my nut tins might object :)

    1. More nuts for you Marie! LOL. I hope you do bake the cake, and that you both enjoy it! It is a lovely moist cake! You can’t beat a cake made with sour cream! Xoxo

  4. This cake looks so yummy and moist! Lol. I'm thinking this will make a great bundt cake too!

    1. Thanks J. This isn't really large enough to do in a Bundt pan and I am not sure if you can double it. I don't like to say for sure it would work! xoxo

  5. I hate to roast nuts because I always do it on an as needed basis - - I have never thought to do a whole bag at once and freezing them already roasted! I'll have to try that!


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