Welcome to my humble home. Sorry about the view of my next door neighbors open garage door, but I wanted to get in a view of my whole front. I need to get some kind of welcome sign for it, but haven't seen one yet that suits I suppose.
One thing I fell in love with when I found this place was the way the front storm door looks like an old fashioned screen door, not to mention the Veranda across the front.
The plants in the garden were already here when I moved in. Hosta's and lilies. I am so not a gardener. Because of my osteo I am unable to get down on my hands and knees for gardening.
I am thinking next year I will get my son in law over and have him help me dig everything up, lay down some kind of garden barrier that will prevent things from growing back and then either cover it with stone or wood chips and then just have maybe 3 large planters.
I do like my hanging baskets and of course a hummingbird feeder was a must. I adore hummingbirds. They are such fun to watch. I actually adore bird watching of any kind.
This is the view when you come in the front door. It is not a very big place really, but it suits me to a "T." I don't need big with just me.
There is this open living/dining area, a galley kitchen, a bath/laundry room and two bedrooms, one small and one larger.
When I first moved into the place, I had my bed (which I had purchased in bits over the winter months), a dresser which had been my mum's and a folding metal chair. I managed to get other bits in time, and I was really lucky that I was able to get reduced prices on everything as they were floor models, or ends of line.
My real extravagance was the rug, but I fell in love with it. It was so bright and cheerful and, well . . . me! I am a Leo so I love bright colors. Because everything else is kind of muted, I thought the rug would go well.
At first when it arrived, I thought wow! Even the delivery guy said that is quite a colorful rug, but my eyes adjusted to it and I love it. It says, "This is a Happy space!"
The little rocking chair was another indulgence. My sister had one at her place and I thought how sweet it is. I saw this one and scooped it up. The few homemade dolls that I managed to salvage are sitting in it, and the little wooden stool that is in front of it is one that my middle son Doug made in shop back in high school. I painted it back then and I feel so blessed to still have it.
There are family photos on the corner bookcase and a few books I cherish. My Susan Branch ones, Flower Fairies, etc.
My sister brought me over a box of Knick-knacks that had been gifts which I gave to my mother through the years. She had forgotten she had them and thought I might like to have them. I feel so blessed to have some family treasures now that I can hand down perhaps.
It also feels a bit like mom is with me. Always a good feeling.
The covering on the sofa is a lap quilt I got on Amazon. I also got one for the armchair. Just to protect them. I am planning on having a pet of some sort.
The crochet shawl on the back of my armchair was one that I had crocheted for my mother and was a gift to her the Christmas just before her passing. I wanted her to be warm. She was such a tiny woman and really felt the cold.
The large painting over the sofa was a free gift from the people at Photowall. I love it and the colous go so well with the room, as does the size. I love Monet.

My curtains are flat single bed sheets. I only just recently put them up. I hung them on clips. Perhaps not the most elegant thing, but they work and afford me some privacy after dark. The birds I managed to bring over from the UK and they didn't break!
They are created by an Etsy Artist in the UK called Simon Aldersey. He does beautiful work. I had first bought one, a robin for my mom a number of years back. It was so lovely and she loved to look at it. It was buried with her.
I then got a robin for both my sister and myself, and that started me collecting all of his birds. I may not be able to afford stained glass windows (which I love) but I have these lovely little glass birds which not only remind me of England which I love, but also birds which I also love and they glow when it is sunny out. Little rays of joy.
I decided to frame these two cards that I got from friends. I loved the sentiments on them and thought they would be nice framed.They are the first things you see when you come in my front door.
The one on the top says, "home is that precious place where your heart feels safe to live, love, grow and simply be safe." The bottom one says, " the heart finds peace and happiness where God remains a welcome guest."
They just seemed so right for framing, and look very much at home where they are now. Reminders that I am loved and cared for, and of the feeling I want for and in my home.
I never thought I would end my life alone, but it is what it is. Many, many people are in the same shoes.
I need to hide those wires. I was able to get myself a television, and a stand to put it on. The stand was also a floor model and serves a dual purpose in that it is also a Heater.
I will surely get good use from it next Winter. It has flickering flames.
There is not much stored inside at the moment. A few picture albums and some candles.
I was lucky and got the tv for a really good price. Its a Roku. I got it on Amazon and it cost me less than $300, but I see now it has doubled in price, so I got really lucky! The Windows of Heaven and all that! It is a smart tv and so I can watch whatever on it. Netflix, Prime, etc.
This little cabinet was another floor model I found and it sort of serves as a divider between the dining area and the living area.
I needed something to hold my food props, etc. The tray is completely separate and a bonus! I got the glasses at a yard sale and my friend Jacquie gave me the large salad bowl. I bought the other bowl at Winner's Home Plus for real cheap and my friend Noelle gave me the sweet tatted collar which looks nice there.
The two paintings are prints I bought last Winter when I was at my sisters. The top one of the Savior is by Simon Dewy, "Lead Kindly Light", and the bottom one is called "To the Rescue," and depicts the Savior walking across the waves to his disciples in the boat.
If anyone needed rescuing and light in their life it was me, and they perfectly exemplify the spirit I want in my home. I want it to be a place filled with light and joy and love.
This is the dining area and where I work/write from most days. The table and chairs were another floor model. (I was so lucky!) It also has a bench and so can actually seat six people comfortably. I have dreams of one day being able to have my children here.
The bookcase I built myself. I was pretty proud of doing it as well. I have more things of my mom's on the middle shelf, and some cookbooks on the bottom two. I hope to have my mom's teacups on the top two shelves eventually.
Of course mom is always with me. This portrait of her was done when she was about 19. I love it and it is the perfect spot for it. On either side are prints from an artist called Annie Henrie Nader.
The one on the left is called, Forget Me Not. "As I was with Moses, so I will be with thee. I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee." - Joshua 1:5
It depicts a woman kneeling in a field of forget me nots, and held in the comforting embrace of the Savior.
The one on the right is called, "Loves Pure Light." "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men." - Luke 2:14
This painting is symbolic of two different scenes. Initially, this represents a tender moment between Mary and her infant son, the Savior of the world. Angels watch over in love and worship, and all are encompassed by heavenly surroundings.
On further consideration, this painting further represents any mothers pure love toward her child, while watched over by angels, both those on earth and those who have passed on before us. It serves as a reminder of peace, harmony, and the continual outpouring of divine love.
One way which I like to show my love for others is in being able to cook for and feeding them. I expect, and hope that I will be able to do that many times over my remaining years of life, bringing both joy to them and to myself.
My father dropped by for lunch yesterday after his haircut and I made him a grilled cheese sandwich. This is the kind of thing which makes me really happy.
I never thought I would see my father again. Being able to see and spend time with him, to cook for him is the silver lining on all that has happened. I am blessed.
This is where the magic happens. My little Galley kitchen. It is not a large space and there is no window, but it is large enough for me. I bought the rolling Island on the end, again as a floor model, to hold my baking supplies/tools.
Much of what happens in this kitchen is due to the generosity of others. I will forever be grateful for the many gifts of love that were shared and given to me. For the dishes, glassware, kitchen tools, etc. It was very overwhelming and I felt so very blessed by everyone's many kindnesses.
I pinched myself every day, thinking I was dreaming. I wasn't sure I deserved any of it, but I was so very grateful for all of it. You all know who you were. You were angels on earth and I bless and thank you for your many kindnesses.
This is my stove. It was provided with the apartment/house. This along with a refrigerator and a dishwasher.
I bought the toaster oven and the microwave. I thought I would use the toaster oven much more than the stove, but so far I haven't done much but cremate things in the toaster oven, haha.
I am trying to get used to it and in time I hope to master it. I refuse to let it beat me! If you have any tips on toaster oven cookery, I would be most grateful!
This is the view on the other side. In the UK, I bemoaned the fact I had no counter space. Here I have plenty of it and I am so grateful for it!
I hope that I never clutter it up with stuff that I can't or don't use often enough to justify having them.
That is one good thing about the extreme manner in which I downsized in November of last year. Starting off with nothing again, means you can invite into your home only what you need, love and can use. It is a much happier and less stress filled way to live!!
This is my bath/laundry area. Not much to say about this area. I did have to buy myself a washer and a drier. I got a good deal on the pair of them, thank goodness. There is plenty of storage in here for my necessities such as towels, etc. and of course toiletries and cleaning supplies.
There is a large jet tub (which I will probably never use) and a nice walk in shower. It is perfect for me and for my needs. I am borrowing the ironing board and steam iron from my father with the promise that I will iron his shirts when he needs them doing.
This is my bedroom. I bought the mattress last Winter shortly after I moved into my sister's place. The mattress on my mother's bed was almost impossible to sleep on. Then later when I went to move into this place I bought the bed frame to go with it.
They are both Endy and so comfortable. It was easy to put the frame together, my BIL did it in about 10 minutes. Buying the frame was more practical than bringing my mom's old bed over and it also meant that my sister didn't have to buy a bed for her spare room.
She gave me one of mom's night tables and a lamp to use and I have mom's highboy dresser.
There is another longer lower dresser with a mirror, but I probably won't be bringing it over. I have no real way of getting it here and to be honest I don't really need it.
My sister will probably use it more than I ever would. I don't have a lot of clothes and stuff, just what I could bring over in my suitcase and it all fits in this one dresser. I have never been a slave to fashion!
There is a walk in closet at the far end of the room with some built in shelves, quite roomy.
There is also one smaller bedroom, but I didn't bother to take a photograph of that because there really isn't anything in it. My printer on a tv tray, my sewing machine. My light box for photography and some boxes with my art supplies in them from the UK.
Eventually I hope to be able to afford to get a sofa bed or trundle bed in there so that my kids/grandkids will have a place to sleep if they come over, but to be honest, even a couple blow up mattresses and sleeping bags would work just as well, for the amount they would be used.
I also have a garage to park my car in which is nice and roomy.
And that's it in a nutshell! My Home Sweet Home! My little kingdom. I hope you've enjoyed the tour! Thanks so much for visiting! Do come again. Next time I promise to feed you!
This content (written and photography) is the sole property of The English Kitchen. Any reposting or misuse is not permitted. If you are reading this elsewhere, please know that it is stolen content and you may report it to me at: mariealicejoan at aol dot com
What a wonderful home Marie! Just perfect for one person or even two someday! You certainly have a knack for decorating, your home is just lovely!
ReplyDeleteThank so much Jenny! I expect in time it will slowly take on even more of my personality. But for now I think it is just right. I wish I had more sentimental things, but alas, I have what I have and am grateful for that! xoxo
DeleteI wonder if your toaster oven is fan assisted, hence the cremations! Perhaps you could try setting the temperature 20°c (sorry don't know it in farenheit) lower, which is what you have to do with mine. You may have to reduce your cooking time a little too. I love my little oven, which is just as well as I no longer have a large oven at all. Good luck in your new home, I hope you will be happy.
ReplyDeleteI am sure it is. It is a Cuisineart? It was recommended by American's Test Kitchen, so I got it on their recommendation. It is supposed to be a really good one. I suspect I just need to practice with it a lot more! Thank you for your well wishes! xoxo
DeleteYour home is wonderful Marie, so much colour and love. You deserve all of it. Enjoy.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Linda! xoxo
DeleteLovely to see your new home - and yes, you are making it into a warm, inviting home. When you think of how you were forced to leave a whole life and many of your possessions behind and have to start from scratch all over again in another land, you've done so well. And in such a short space of time. You really are an inspiration, both in the kitchen and in life.
ReplyDeleteAnd I just love that mat! It makes the room.
I fell in love with that mat as soon as I saw it Marie. It really is a focal point and it goes with everything! Thank you so much! xoxo
DeleteThank you for sharing your lovely home!
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! xoxo
DeleteIt's lovely Marie - perfect! So happy that you can spend time with your dad, too.
ReplyDeleteThanks very much Laurie! xoxo
Deleteloved seeing your home. May God Bless you in every way
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! xoxo
DeleteIt's so sweet and suits you perfectly! The porch the door..everything ..You have been wonder woman!
ReplyDeleteI don't know how I have done it Monique. I just kept putting one foot in front of the other because I didn't think standing still was an option! Thank YOU! xoxo
DeleteAww Dear Marie I really enjoyed looking your house is like you comfy, beautiful and lovely. A house to be comfy!!
ReplyDeleteLove these Windows and your bed and the sofá love all. Send you hugs and love and your look happy to be with you
Thank you so much Gloria. I have tried to make it welcoming and comfortable! Love and hugs to you! xoxo
DeleteI comeback yo your home again . I love all and all I want you be happy here.
DeleteIs curious Marie sometimes we think ok this is life and something coming and all is over again.
Is not only about you is this pandemia that is still around US. About our kids only I want they Will be happy.
Anyway the only sure place for me is always the Jesús heart . God is my rock. And I know for you too.
Hugs and love dear Marie
Thank you so much Gloria! You are a real sweetheart! Xoxo
DeleteI'm so glad for you! It is important that we all have our little nests, where we can get rest and respite and feel safe.
ReplyDeleteYou are so down to earth, and happy with what you have. If only more could be like you.
Thank you that you are not ashamed to speak of our wonderful Saviour.
God bless and keep you.
Thank you! We do need our little havens from the world. I like to think of my house as being a bit of a Temple away from the Temple. God bless and keep you also! xoxo
DeleteIt is perfect for you.
ReplyDeleteThank you! xoxo
DeleteLove your adorable home Marie. You've come a long way from that day when you were so worried and not sure what to do next. I knew all along that you had what it takes to move forward and start all over. And look how much you've accomplished in such a short time. Your home is so inviting and so warm and you truly have made this house a home. Don't be so sure you will spend your days alone... God wrote your story and only he knows how it will end. Thanks for inviting us into your home and showing us the human side of you. So often us bloggers are mistaken for robots, right? Your Dad is adorable and it warms my heart to see the two of you together. Cherish every moment my friend and feel the love. Of all the things in my life I miss most, its that feeling of being loved. Marty from Welcome Home.
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Marty! I would so like to be like you and have a little cocker to share my home with me, but alas, they are far too expensive here to buy. I do miss my Mitzie so much. I am getting a kitten however as my cousin's cat had some, so that will have to do for now! Thank you so much for your sweet comment and for being a friend always. xoxo
DeleteLove you my friend.
DeleteLove you my dear sweet friend.
DeleteBeautiful home! Where did you move to? I guess I missed that and why.
ReplyDeleteThank you. I moved back to Canada in November of last year on my own. The whys are far too painful to discuss now. xoxo
DeleteThank you for sharing your lovely home.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! xoxo
DeleteYour home is lovely! Your colorful rug and front porch are my favorites! Thank you for sharing💕
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome! xoxo
DeleteWhat a happy surprise to see your home. My favorite piece is the bookcase that you made! Great job!
ReplyDeleteThanks! It was hard work and took me all day, but I persevered and it is solid! xoxo
DeleteThank you for inviting me into your home, it looks so cozy. Love the colourful rug. I enjoy reading your blog everyday and your recipes are a part of my weekly meal planning. Stay safe, be happy and keep love in your heart.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Rosemary. You stay safe and loved also! xoxo
DeleteSo happy for you Marie. You sound very content to be in your own home and building your comfortable nest, So many lovely things around you, and most of all, your family.
ReplyDeleteThat is the best part Janice! Thank you! xoxo
DeleteThanks for the tour, Marie. You have a lovely home. It looks so comfy and inviting. May the Lord fill it with His peace and joy. ❤️
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! I feel at peace here! xoxo
DeleteA beautiful , cosy home . God bless you Marie and your new home . x
ReplyDeleteThanks so much Debs! God bless you also! xoxo
DeleteLoved having a tour of your home sweet home. I like that your bathroom is big enough to hold your washer and dryer. Much better than having to go down to the basement. And I'm still in love with that "coat of many colours" rug in your living room. Despite our sadness at losing my brother, this week has gone quickly. We have an appointment to choose his headstone tomorrow. The funeral is Friday. Say a prayer for my brother, Marie. Love and hugs, Elaine
ReplyDeleteI love that name for my rub Elaine, it is very much like a coat of many colours! Dolly Parton's song comes to mind! I could not cope with stairs now. I am saying lots of prayers for both you and your brother Elaine. Losing a sibling is hard, but losing a twin is worse. You have been together for so much longer and the bond is even more intimate. Sending you special love and hugs, xoxo
DeleteJust lovely and homey. Thank you for sharing. May you find comfort and peace in your new home.
ReplyDeleteGod bless♥️
ek (follow you on fb and so grateful for all your recipes)
Thank you so very much Elzie! xoxo
DeleteDear Marie, I absolutely love your lovely home! Thank you for sharing with us. It is adorable and so welcoming, love the colours and all your little touches that make it a loving and happy home. I hope it brings you comfort and joy and will be filled with happiness and good fortune for you for years to come. You certainly deserve it.
ReplyDeleteI have been following your blogs and recipes for a long time now and absolutely love it, I look forward every morning to reading your latest recipe and the lovely stories and photos that you add with them, I read them with my first cup of tea of the day to start my day. Thank you for brightening my day every day and for such yummy recipes! Sending you big hugs. Caroline x
Thank you so much Caroline! It makes me feel really good to know that I have such wonderful company each morning. Makes it even more special! Hugs right back! xoxo
DeleteWhat a comfy, cozy home you have created. It’s wonderful that you are back with family; they are everything when you need them. I’ll think of you sitting on your porch on a nice day when I’m sitting on mine. Sending you blessings. Sue
ReplyDeleteThank you so much Sue! Sorry for the late response. It’s nice to think of you sitting on your porch thinking about me on mine! Xoxo
DeleteMarie, I love your posts and recipes, and now your home. It is so colorful and cheery and comfy.
ReplyDeleteThanks so very much for your sweet words! Xoxo