Homemade Hobnobs

Wednesday 21 May 2014

Homemade Hobnobs

If there is one thing we British love . . .  it's our biscuits, or cookies to you North Americans!   There is no end to the varieties in the shops.   

Beautiful chocolate bourbons . . . two buttery dark chocolate rectangles put together with a chocolate buttercream.     

Garibaldi's, affectionately known as Squashed Fly biscuits . . .  almost crackerlike and stogged full of sweet little currants . . .

Homemade Hobnobs

Buttery Rich Tea, Shortbreads, Jammy Dodgers, Digestives, Custard Creams . . . to name but a few.  My favourites are Hobnob's.

Oaty, buttery, nobbly, crisp and faintly tasting of golden syrup.  They come in a few varieties, including chocolate covered, caramel and chocolate covered, chocolate chip, etc.  

My favourite though are the plain old . . . unadulterated hobnob!  You just can't beat a good old fashioned crisp oatmeal cookie!  You just CAN'T!

  Homemade Hobnobs

And when they're homemade hobnobs, they're even better!   They look like the real thing.   

They smell like the real thing . . . they taste . . . like  SUPER hobnobby hobnobs!  Seriously. I wouldn't lie to you!

Homemade Hobnobs

Crisp and sturdy cookies.  Perfect for dunking.  (Do you dunk??)   


In milk or in tea, or even in coffee.  These are absolute wonderful. Milk is my favourite. I am a milk and cookie kind of a person!

 Homemade Hobnobs

Unadulterated with any wierd flavours . . . just butter and oats . . . and a just the merest hint of caramel from the golden syrup . . .  if these aren't better than the store bought ones, I'll eat my hat.   

It's impossible to eat just one.  Impossible.  There is only one danger in baking these . . . a taste of one of these and you will NEVER settle for a store bought one again!  Don't say I didn't warn you.

Homemade Hobnobs

*Homemade Hob Nobs*
Makes 20
One of Britains favourite biscuits made from scratch.  If anything these are even tastier!  

140g butter (scant 10 TBS)
140g sugar (3/4 cup)
1 TBS milk
1 tsp golden syrup
1 tsp bicarbonate of soda (baking soda)
140g self raising flour (1 cup)
110g of rolled oats (1 1/3 cup)

Homemade Hobnobs

Preheat the oven to 150*C/300*F/ gas mark 2.  Line a large baking tray with baking paper.  Set aside.

Cream together the butter and sugar until fluffy.  Beat in the milk and golden syrup and bicarbonate of soda to mix well.   Stir in the flour and oats, mixing all together well.

Divide and shape into 20 equal sized balls.  Place 2 inches apart on the prepared baking sheet.  Bake for 25 minutes until golden brown.

Scoop off to cool on a wire rack.  Store in an airtight container.

Try not to eat them all at once!


  1. I can't wait to try these - what a treat!! Thanks for the recipe.

  2. You are welcome Patricia! I am sure you will like them. They are gorgeous! xx

  3. These would be our basic Anzac Biscuits in New Zealand and they are definitely yum and great for dunking in either tea or coffee. :)

  4. Sounds tasty Jenny! These are great dunkers for sure!

  5. They look so good..love the first image too!

  6. They are really good Monique!

  7. YAY!!!! Okay, I'm going to have a British classics blogging weeks. Crumpets, hobnobs, and currant scones. What else should I add to the list?? Victoria Sponge!!! Joe and I are definitely making HobNobs today!!!

  8. Rock Cakes and Victoria Sponge are really British, both recipes are on my page here if you want to use them April. Definitely Crumpets. Fruited Scones. (which is what we call the currant ones) Hooray for British week!

  9. Marie, I simply adore HobNobs and am so disappointed when I open a batch that's stale b/c it sat on the store shelf too long. Not too many Americans know how delicious these things are.

    Never thought to bake them at home, but I will now that I have your recipe! xo

  10. I hope that you like them Coco. I think they are pretty gorgeous!!

  11. Hi Marie - just checking that it is indeed only one teaspoon of Golden Syrup - thanks so much, Patricia

  12. Yes, just 1 teaspoon Patricia! It seems like an insignificant amount, but it gives it that special flavour that only comes from golden syrup!

    1. Please what is golden syrup? Gotta make these

    2. You can substitute corn syrup.

    3. Would light or dark corn syrup be better house in place of golden syrup?

    4. Definitely use the light. Or you can use honey.

  13. Oh Marie I love you! Well I love your recipes! I made these today and they are out of this world! I little too good, I wanted to keep eating them and skip lunch! I can't believe how perfect they came out. Some I made at half the size too and they were just as dandy.

  14. PS. I'm sharing your post and my photos on Facebook!

  15. Thanks Mary! So glad you enjoyed! They are a little bit too good, I agree! It's impossible to leave them alone! xxoo

  16. They're in the oven as I type this! Can't wait. Might just have to brew another cuppa to go with them.

  17. Yay!! I hope that you enjoyed them Babsie!

  18. I love a great oatmeal cookie, but I'm not sure where to find golden syrup in my neck of the woods. I'll do some looking, but there's always Amazon!

  19. Amanda, you can use corn syrup if you can't find the golden syrup. Use the light corn syrup.

  20. Good, Good Lord, these are wildly delish!!!

  21. Why oh why did I have to find your blog? After an incredible struggle of many years trying to overcome my hobnob addiction, here you are, giving me the most scumptious, luscious, lip-smacking yum-yum hobnobs in the world.............
    Tried the recipe (I knew I shouldn't!), ate them all... need to make some more!
    Lol; absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much! On my way to try and see if you have a 'ginger nut' recipe - see what you've done? :-)

  22. Oh dear Baijoz, have I created a monster? Lol Seriously though these are very good. Have you tried my Digestives?

  23. Yummeeeeee Marie, I definitely need to make these. Hobnobs are my hubby's favourites. Now confession time... I used to dunk certain biscuits but because I try not to eat them anymore, I've got out of the habit.
    I'm now seriously needing to dunk! xoxo

  24. These beg to be dunked Denise! xoxo

  25. An American here weighing in.... The first hobnobs that I ever ate were the ones I made from this recipe. Over here the phrase we use for the best recipes is "insanely delicious", and these definitely are. Highly addictive! I'm planning to make them regularly. Thank you!

    1. So happy you enjoyed them Janet! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know! I love that, insanely delicious! I'm going to remember that! xo

  26. I make a batch of cookies every Sunday to fill the jar for the coming week's lunchboxes and treats, and these are for sure what I'm making today. I don't care how much Lyle's costs in my little Texan grocery store, I'm going to get it. My daughter loves hobnobs with a passion, and they are nearly impossible to find here! Thanks for the recipe!

  27. Clara, you will definitely enjoy these! They're gorgeous! You're welcome!

  28. I've just made these and eaten one, they taste soon good. oh dear, how do I not eat the rest before team collins get home, bury my own head in the garden maybe? �� I'm new to your blog but I love it. 😄

    1. Welcome Angie and thanks for your comment! I am so happy you like these and that you took the time to let us know! xo

  29. Yay! Made this tonight and they are delicious! So much better then the purchased ones. Will attempt to top them with chocolate tomorrow. Cheers!

    1. So happy they have been enjoyed Beanish! Thanks so much for taking the time to let us know! xo

  30. My favourite biscuit!!!
    I really loved the taste of hobnobs biscuit so much that, I had to search if there was a better tasting oat biscuit out there. Then I stumbled on this beautiful blog :)

    Now I can even have it with less sugar like I've always wanted.
    I'm from Ghana though, and I don't know how readily I can get the ingredients, but I'm very optimistic!
    This is going to be my first time baking, and I'm looking forward to the wonderful experience :)

    1. Angel, thank you so much for your kind words. Angel, I have to say you cannot get a better tasting oat biscuit than this one! Don't mess with perfection! 1 TBS is all the milk you need to achieve a beautiful crisp and wonderful oat biscuit! Thanks for your kind comment re my blog! xo

    2. Thanks for replying moi as well, it's really appreciated.
      I'd stick to your advice! xoxo

    3. Sorry I forget to address you, Marie Rayner.

  31. Thanks for the reply, Marie Rayner.

  32. Been craving my beloved hob nobs for a few days and I'm begrudged to buy a pack and I found your recipe. They're perfect! I subbed golden for maple as thats all i have in and halved the recipe as I lack self control. I will no doubt be making these again :) TY

    1. So happy they were enjoyed Naterlee and nice to know you can also use maple syrup! xo

  33. Please do tell what is "Golden Syrup" ? I just found these biscuits on a trip to Ireland over Christmas and I must have more! Thank-you!

    1. Hi Unknown. You can use Corn Syrup instead of golden syrup, but it is worth it to source the Golden Syrup if you can. It has a lovely almost caramel flavour. Some have also used Maple Syrup with success. xo

  34. What is Golden Syrup? I just found Hobnobs in Ireland over the Christmas holiday and I must have more!

    1. Hi SJ, Golden Syrup is a syrup very similar to Corn Syrup but it has a somewhat caramel like flavour. You could substitute light corn syrup for it, which would work find. You won't get quite the same flavour as you would using Golden syrup however. I do believe you can buy golden syrup on Amazon and it would be well worth the trouble in my opinion. xo

  35. Can i use honey instead of golden syrup?

    1. Ashley, I think honey would work fine! Let me know how you get on!

  36. I'm always skeptical when I hear a recipe is better than what's sold in the shop, since I imagine that I can't really get the same flavor without the arcane ingredients (palm oil? soya lecithin?) or high tech gadgetry at a factory. However, these are amazing and really are better than the 'real thing'! Buttery and crispy, I don't think I'll be buying Hobnobs from the shop again.

    1. Happy they were enjoyed! I think they're pretty special myself! xo

  37. I followed this recipe except I didn't have golden syrup had corn syrup I bought in the U.S. and they just delectable this is my hobnob go to recipe now! they are perfect, just like the store bought, but better, you can taste the butter, and the "crunch" oh my goodness!

    1. Melanie, I am so pleased to know you enjoyed these and that corn syrup works well! Thank you so much for taking the time to let us know! Xo

  38. Are you able to make/share a gluten free version please? Or will just swapping the flour for multipurpose gf flour work? Thanks.

    1. Hi there, I am not a coeliac so I cannot speak with any authority on the subject, but I did find a good article which looks quite promising. I hope this helps you. Let me know! Here is the link:


  39. Hi, unfortunately these did not come out as hoped but I am keen to try again. Could you please confirm what type of sugar you use and whether the butter needs to be very soft before mixing? Thanks

    1. Hi Lauren, my butter is always room temperature or softer and I use caster sugar.. I hope that this helps.

  40. I've just made these and eaten one. I added choc chips to the recipe just coz everything is better with chocolate :). They are absolutely gorgeous and I'll be making them again and again and again. I might try adding a little cinnamon and nutmeg next time with maybe some raisins instead of the chocolate chips.

    1. Hi Chris, I am so pleased that you baked and enjoyed these. Chocolate chips sounds like a great addition. I think they would also be great dipped in chocolate! yum! Thanks so much for takig the time to let us know! xo

  41. This recipe is absolutely fantastic. You are completely right - these are so much better than the real thing! I'm so glad I came across your blog.
    Milk chocolate hobnobs are my favourite, so I'll drizzle mine with milk chocolate!

    1. Thanks Nia! They are indeed fabulous dipped in or drizzled with chocolate! xo

  42. I only had quick oats (no idea why I bought those, yuck) and reduced the sugar slightly to 120g, but otherwise left the recipe as is - my only regret is knowing how easy and delicious these are. ;)

    1. So pleased that they were enjoyed! Thanks for taking the time to share your experience! xoxo

  43. I had looked everywhere for a good Hobnobs recipe - and this is it! Easy, they came out looking just like your picture and they were delicious! Have to stop eating 4 at a time with a cuppa though.....

    1. So pleased they are being enjoyed Jan! You made my day! Thanks so much for sharing your experience. Four at a time, hmmm . . . doesn't that count as one? lol xoxo

  44. Hi Marie, been baking a lot since being cocooned and my son loves Hob Nobs.
    New to making biscuits though so do I flatten them after rolling them in a ball please.

    1. No you don't! Just pop them on the baking tray with room to spread and bake! 👍

  45. Hi Marie do you flatten them after rolling in ball please

    1. No, you just pop them onto the baking sheet, leaving plenty of space in between. They will flatten and spread while baking. Hope this helps!

  46. Lovely to have this recipe, thank you. Mine have not come out as nicely round as yours ~ mine have spread a little more ~ what have I done wrong please?

    1. Hi Pips! I have no way of really knowing unless you tell me more?

  47. I followed your recipe but the biscuits have spread out more than the ones in your photo

  48. Did you use old fashioned oatmeal?

    1. I did. Do not be tempted to use quick oats. xo

  49. Dear Marie, thank you, thank you, thank you for this fabulous recipe. I only started baking a few months ago and no matter how many times I have tried, every cookie or biscuit, apart from Scottish shortbread, has ended up in the food bin. I don't know why but they never go right, until now. I made the hobnobs yesterday and they are amazing, a proper crunchy dunkable biscuit which tastes devine. I am so happy with them and very pleased that I have, at last, produced a biscuit which is so so good. Oh, and you are right, its nearly impossible to stop at just 1. Best wishes, Jayne

    1. Jayne, this makes me so happy! I am so pleased that you have made and enjoyed these biscuits! Thank YOU so much for taking the time to come back and share your experience with us! You made my day! xoxo

  50. I baked a couple of batches of hobnobs last night; they are the best I've ever tasted. You describe them perfectly Marie. I shared some with a neighbour and she said "they're to die for; trust the British to come up with an awesome afternoon treat with my cuppa". Will bake again and again!

    1. Thanks so much for coming back and taking the time to share your experience Flora! I am so pleased that they are being enjoyed! I think of all the cookies I bake, these are my favorite. I am happy you agree! xoxo

  51. I’ve been making these once or twice a week, thought I should come by and thank you for the recipe. My husband is a lover of Hobnobs, always asking me to buy them, but since I started making these he no longer asks. He loves these.
    Hugs, Claire

    1. Thanks very much for your feedback Claire! I am so pleased these are enjoyed! xo

  52. Hello! American baker here, does anybody know how to substitute/replace self-raising flour with all-purpose flour?

    1. Marie here, for every cup of flour add 1 1/2 tsp baking powder and 1/4 tsp salt. Hope his helps!

  53. Hi Marie, wondering what we can sub for golden syrup in the US. When I look it up, it says that light treacle is a substitute, but I don’t think that is readily available either. Is it Karo syrup?

    1. I would use light corn syrup with maybe just a touch of fresh lemon juice. So Light Karo! I hope this helps and that you enjoy the cookies! xo

  54. Leaving for a road trip tomorrow with my girlfriends for our annual university roommates get-together, heading from the Eastern Townships of Quebec to Antigonish, Nova Scotia. We are bringing all manner of food for the road and for Joanne, the lucky roomie hosting us. Hobnobs seem to fit the bill for easy munchies on the road and to gift our tea loving hostess. Given my location, with no Tate and Lyles in sight, maple will be the syrup of choice. Thanks for the recipe, Marie. I will be sure to let you know how they turn out. My only fear is needing a second batch after doing my 'quality control' test!!

    1. Let me know how it works with the Maple Syrup Lois! I predict they will be enjoyed by all! You can also use light corn syrup with a touch of lemon juice added. How exciting the trip sounds! Travel safe and enjoy! xo

  55. I am going to try this recipe for Hobnobs, is the is the Temp 150' for a Fan oven? Thank you.

    1. NO, that is the temperature for a regular oven. Hope this helps!

  56. I can’t wait to try your recipe and share it with friend and family!

  57. I made the hobnob cookies just now and want to share the photo but cannot figure out how. They are delicious! But I had no doubt they would be~any recipe from you has to be good!!!!!!!!

    1. I am so pleased that you have baked these and are enjoying them! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! xo

  58. Can I substitute king syrup or brown sugar for the Lyons syrup?

    1. I would use the King syrup not brown sugar.

  59. They are every bit as good as you said!

    1. I am so pleased you enjoyed these Elaine! Thank you so much for taking the time to comment and leave feedback on your experience! I really appreciate it! xo

  60. What is the difference between castor sugar you mentionned in a comment you used and organic cane sugar or regular white sugar or brown sugar for this recipe.

    1. Castor sugar is a much finer granulated sugar which has the ability to melt into the dough a lot easier than the others. You can make your own by blitzing regular granulated sugar in a food processor. Brown sugar has too much of a molasses flavor to be used in these cookies and might drown out the flavor of the golden syrup, but at the end of the day you can use whatever sugar you wish and they will still be a very good cookie.

  61. Made these today. Everyone in the family, 18 months to 77 years old, loved them.This recipe works. It is better than shop Hobnobs. And it's easy. Thank you so much.

    1. I am so pleased that you are all enjoying them Judi! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your comment as to your experience! xo

  62. I have only ever heard of hobnobs in books and such, but I haven’t ever had this kind of cookie. Tonight I made this recipe, and WOW! They are simply amazing. Thank you for sharing this fantastic recipe!

    1. I am so pleased that you were able to make these and that you enjoyed them! Thank you so much or taking the time to come back and share your experience with us! It is much appreciated! xo

  63. This recipe does NOT disappoint! I never heard of Hob Nobs until I saw your Facebook post a few days ago. I ordered Golden Syrup from Amazon & baked today. Oh my! It is hard to stop at just one! The delicate flavor is outstanding & I love the "crispy"/soft but not crunchy texture! (Does that make sense?) I definitely plan to make these again for my family. They love Hob Nobs too! : )

    1. I am so sorry for the late response to your comment. I can only say it got lost somewhere along the way. In any case I am so pleased you enjoy this recipe. That makes me really happy. Thank you for sharing! xo

  64. Just came here to say the same thing as everybody else -- these are amazingly delicious and totally better than "the actual thing"! My husband the junk food junkie has said that as long as I can maintain a regular supply of these biscuits he won't buy packet biscuits anymore! :)

    1. I am so pleased that these are being enjoyed! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback! It is much appreciated! xo

  65. I've just baked up a batch of these and may have to head out to get more ingredients 😂 Thank you for giving this Brit abroad ready access to hobnobs whenever I need it ❤️

    1. I am so pleased that you baked and are enjoying these! Thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback! It is much appreciated! xo


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